Chapter 2.

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Alastor was sound asleep in a metal chair in a large cold room, mouth duct taped, tied up in angelic steel infused wires, a silk blindfold resting over his eyes. It was hard to see, a single dim light bulb flickered occasionally above the only two souls in this dumpy place.

Vox played with the pointed red ears on the man's head, poking them or petting them, finding it funny when they would occasionally twitch at the touch.

It had honestly been too easy.

Valentino had so graciously offered to convince Angel Dust to take the sleep inducing liquid home with him, tricking him into believing that the bottle was a sort of 'Truth Potion'.

The idiot believed it, and the hotel was silent a week later, the sounds of sex or late night drinking unable to be heard by any of the audio detectors that Vox had placed around the obnoxious building.

Some of his bottom of the barrel employees had kidnapped the cannibal, who apparently had been resting on a sofa, holding a cup of half empty purple punch.

It seemed that the spider had convinced everyone to drink the spiked juice drink as a form of a party game; every inhabitant of the hotel was found in similar positions, all sound asleep with glasses of the violet concoction.

Once the abductees had brought back his victim, he promptly fed them to his beloved sharks without a second thought, not wishing for anyone but himself to know the whereabouts of Alastor. Not even Val or Velvet knew exactly which warehouse he was being kept at.

He was brought out of his pondering when the previously steady breathing emitting from the radio demon came to a sudden stop.

It would seem he had finally awoken.

"Morning sunshine." Vox said conversationally. He removed his hands from the man's head and began to circle him, his classy shoes clicking against the ground loudly. Alastor's ears followed the noise, seeming to try and get an understanding of where exactly he was right now. Vox was strangely intrigued by the sight, he couldn't recall them doing that sort of thing normally.

Alastor shifted in his chair, attempting to move his limbs, but was held firmly in place by his constraints.The electronic overlord snickered at the site, "Yea, that's not gonna work buddy." He stopped in front of the radio demon, just taking in the site of the now inferior being. He almost wished that he could just get off right now and worry about the consequences later; the view in front of him was so fucking delicious.

He managed to reel in his treacherous thoughts though, he would just have to use this memory as something to fuck Valentino with in the future. Vox leaned down close to Alastor's face and gently removed the blind fold, and was suddenly face to face with one of the most vicious glares that he had ever been given the pleasure of receiving.

"Awww, don't be mad I finally managed to fuck you over, we both knew it was going to happen at some point." He cooed at the deer in a sickeningly sweet voice, a cruel smile spread across his face. He unconsciously moved to place his hand on the man's cheek and felt a pinch of annoyance when Alastor leaned away from the touch.

He huffed at the display, standing up to continue his pacing around the seated demon. "It's been a while since we've truly talked one on one, without the grainy sound of radio or the flashing lights of camera. I would ask how you are doing, but I think we both know you likely can't be feeling very well with your current circumstances. Don't expect it to get much better though."

Alastor rolled his eyes at the dramatic dialogue taking place, seemingly bored of the interaction already.

That didn't sit well with Vox.

Spelled Out (In Ink) - AlastorxVox - Voxal - RadioStaticWhere stories live. Discover now