Chapter 5.

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They entered the grime covered alleyway, taking in the horrid smell of trash and possibly a dying imp. Vox was thankful at times that he no longer had anything to actually inhale the scent with, but he was still aware of the existence of the odor due to the wrinkling of Alastor's nose.

Though Vox was allowing Alastor to decide to have this little intervention with him, he hoped it would not take very long as he wanted to go ahead and get this certainly dreadful meeting with Lucifer done with.

The cannibal turned to the younger man, back against the wall, a quite bothered expression across his forever smiling face. It was strange, he almost looked a tad bit nervous right now, he kept fiddling with one of the buttons on his coat and his ear was twitching at nearly every noise.

"I know you fully intend on having my soul to yourself if it is possible for Lucifer to void my current contract, but I am aware that at some point in time you instead wished to be companions with me. I feel the need to tell you that for there to be even a chance of us being friends in a sense, please don't drag me away from the hotel. I sincerely enjoy my time there and don't wish for it to be taken away quite yet."

Vox narrowed his eyes at this; who did Alastor think he was talking to? He didn't get to say things like that, shouldn't he know this by now? Vox was in control here, not Al.

The television host took a slow step forward, claws dipping into his blazer, trailing around the smooth handle of his knife. The stag's eyes flashed to the movement, unintentionally taking a step backward himself, but was undeterred from his inane speech.

"Perhaps I would even agree to partake in your activities with you and the other Vees at times out of my own accord." Vox inched closer. "I would be a much more pleasant person to be around if I were actually a willing participant in your daily activities, we could have normal conversations like we used to," the deer creeped back, "and I think we both know that I want to be your-"

Alastor's back hit the wall and he went very quiet, staring at the other overlord with pinned ears, his smile sharp and rigid. Vox placed a hand next to the radio demon's head, thrumming his fingers against hard bricks.

He carefully dug the holy weapon out of his pocket, fingering it idly. He leaned close to the other man, reveling in the buck's hot breaths. "Alastor, I thought you were smarter than this. Isn't it obvious? I don't care about what you want. Why would I? I need to have you, and I'm not going to let some mediocre apartment building full of sunshine and rainbows stop me."

He didn't plan on saying it out loud, but not all of what he just said was true; he did care about what Alastor liked and wanted, he was going to own the man after all and didn't want Al to be in a constant state of depression. But right now, Vox just needed Alastor to obey him, and if that meant making use of fear tactics, then he would take advantage of them happily.

And besides, Alastor would get used to being controlled by Vox after a while. Things like this would get easier with time. He can try all he wants to wriggle his way out of this situation as much as he likes, but in the end technology would always win.

The stag just stared at the younger man for a moment, eyes flicking over to the knife and back over to glowing blue digital face once more, seemingly contemplating what he had just heard before he eventually slumped in defeat.

"I suppose I should have expected such a thing from you. You've always been so covetous with your things after all, what makes me any different? Now, would you please give me some breathing room so we may get this embarrassment of a discussion with the king over with?"

Vox didn't make an attempt to move, as he was considering whether or not he should take this chance to hold Alastor. It was driving him crazy how touchy-feely the cannibal was with that Angel Dust character, why was he allowed to hug and feel the radio demon? He wanted to get rid of any warmth that the spider had left behind with his own.

He placed the tip of his blade against the deer's jugular, immobilizing the man's movements. "Hold still for a moment honey, you'll be fine if you listen to me."

The television host wrapped an arm around Alastor's waist and placed his head onto the firm cannibal's shoulder blade, already high from the contact. He wasn't sure why he was doing this, it was purely illogical and an act spurred by petty jealousy, but he was enjoying himself nonetheless.

He clung to the older man like this for a while, unaffected by the hell taking place all around them; it was peaceful for the living computer, just the both of them in total silence. The buck seemed to be shaking slightly, making it difficult for Vox to keep his head in the crook of Al's neck, but he didn't mind. Eventually, the computer's knuckles began to cramp from the death grip he held on his weapon and he untangled his long limbs from Alastor's regrettably. He looked to the deer to see his reaction to the hug, but only felt disheartened.

The cannibal now had an almost blank expression, his smile was still there as per usual but it had grown significantly more dim. He was staring at Vox unseeingly, strangely in an odd daze.

The computer felt a hint of concern blossom in his chest over the radio host's changed demeanor; Al didn't even seem angry right now, he looked numb. Had Vox pushed him too far?

"You alright there Bambi? You're looking a little paler than usual." Vox tried a new nickname to lighten the mood. Alastor only nodded mutely in reply, though Vox found himself not believing the action. He huffed irritably, wishing he had a nose he could still pinch.

"Alright, fine. Be pissy then. Let's just go get that paper signed." He took the cannibal's hand into his and marched them both out of the alley, leaving the horrid conversation behind.


Thanks for reading! I apologize for the short chapter, the next one will be longer, I still hope you enjoyed this one though! Lemme know your thoughts (if you want)!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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