Chapter 1.

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Lucifer fiddled with his keys for a moment, searching for the right one. The massive hotel loomed above him ominously, leaving only the imagination to wonder what on earth could be laying inside.

He placed the teeth of the refined piece of metal into the lock and twisted, before hearing a loud audible click.

He pushed the heavy door open and peered inside. It was silent, empty.

This was not a surprise; Charlie was having a meeting in heaven and had called him mere minutes before she was set to go on a trial of sorts, in a tizzy and asking him to watch the hotel after realizing that she had left it with absolutely no one to keep an eye on the place in favor of her friends having fun at some bar, offering vandals a chance to damage or steal from it.

He walked into the large lobby, taking more time to observe his surroundings than the first time he had been here. There were little knick knacks here and there, a few couches that had obviously been sat on numerous times, and a very outdated television box. Though the place wasn't perfect, it would be clear to even the snobbiest of folk just how much effort had gone into making this place comfortable for those staying here.

It still pained Lucifer's heart to know that Charlie was putting so much into this place when she didn't even truly know for sure if the idea of rehabilitation would work or not. Hell, Lucifer himself didn't know, and he was pretty certain Heaven didn't actually know either.

He was interrupted from his musing by a strong but tantalizing aroma, and what may have been music. It was distant, so it was hard to tell. He walked further into the massive structure, walking through twisting and turning halls, taking in all the details of the place, while getting closer to the source of both sound and scent. He wasn't in a hurry, so he walked at a leisurely pace.

He finally reached a door proudly labeled, 'Kitchen'. Though he didn't necessarily have to eat since he was an Angel, he still found himself enjoying it. Perhaps whoever was making this dish would offer him a bite.

Wait a minute.

Who was making this dish? No one was supposed to be here, was a stranger using their kitchen?

The king shook his head, that was a stupid thought. Why in all of the nine rings of the fiery pits of hell would someone break in to use a kitchen, and more importantly, why had he not questioned the fact that the hotel obviously wasn't empty earlier?

"Il me dit des mots d'amour.." A male and woman crooned in unison from behind the door. They sounded very talented.

Lucifer supposed it didn't matter, he had the power to just kick them out and maybe try whatever mouth watering food that they were concocting.

He took in a reaffirming breath and pushed the door open, ready to confront a random, likely high or drunk, pair of sinners, only to be surprised by the sight of only one demon. Specifically, the radio demon, who was mixing a pot of something resting on a stove, and grilling something else next to it on a pan that smelled like it contained meat. He fiddled with the knob of a small radio, singing softly in what Lucifer quickly realized was French.

Mama's Boy - RadioApple - AlastorxLucifer Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant