Golden Ichor

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Content warnings for blood and wounds.

Charlie held Vaggie close in her arms as her angel’s golden ichor spilled from a wound on her side. She didn't remember how she had gotten it, but it was likely to have been from Lute. Charlie pressed a thick piece of cloth onto the gash, trying to stop the bleeding, but it was all in vain. As Vaggie weakly cupped her girlfriend’s cheek, Charlie leaned into the touch, holding her hand. Soft sobs racked Charlie's thin frame as she watched the light flicker and then fade from her love’s eyes like a candle in the wind.

Charlie gasped awake as she felt someone shake her, gripping her chest as she tried to calm her breathing. tears ran down her face, and her body was covered in sweat. Fear gripped her heart like icy cold talons, but the ice slowly began to thaw as she felt warm arms and wings wrap around her. As the familiar bitter scent of immortelle and bergamot filled her nose, the demon’s galloping heart slowed its racing pace, allowing her to finally breathe without fearing passing out. "Are you alright, hon?" Vaggie asked softly.

Charlie nodded as she placed a hand on the angels before squeezing it gently. "Yeah, I'm fine, it was just a nightmare, that's all." She replied tiredly as she wiped away her tears with her sleeve. "Do you want to talk about it?" The angel asked, to which Charlie shook her head, replying softly."I would rather forget this one rather than talk about it. Can you just hold me for a bit?" Vaggie nodded whispering,"Of course, love."  and wrapped her arms around her once again.

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