Blurb + Content Warning (Coming Soon)

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New Orleans native Corinne Broussard still hasn't gotten over her ex-fiancé Jeff two years after he left her for another woman. She has tried hard in the past to get over him, but she's still hung up on him and frequently dreams of them getting back together again, though the dreams are weird to her. Her ex-fiancé is in old-fashioned clothes and so is she, treated horribly in her society. Though, in the dreams there is always someone else there. Another man. Someone familiar, yet unfamiliar to her. It's always the same dream too and ends in a massive housefire.

Everything changes when in the French Quarter around midnight, Corinne hears an unusual chamber orchestra in the middle of Jackson Square. After the candlelight chamber orchestra concert is over, in the midst of it all, she literally runs into a frantic stranger, one of the musicians who claims to have had his flute stolen amidst the New Orleans crowd. It's the other man that she's been dreaming of for the last two years.

Content warning: This story partially revolves around a woman who was falsely imprisoned for a crime she didn't commit: prostitution. If this kind of thing triggers you, false accusations and or prostitution references, I suggest to read with caution or not read. Also there is reference to cancer, specifically childhood cancer. I understand if this triggers you. Another is forced marriage. If this triggers you, I suggest not reading because a part of the story features many women getting married against their wills. There will be NO glorification of this in this story. I am strongly against this kind of marriage, but this history is sadly a part of history. Thank you for understanding! This story is also inspired by the story of Manon Fontaine. 

This book is dedicated to the founding mothers, The Mutinous Women of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. Though their circumstances were not the best, being falsely accused of sex crimes and being shipped off to Louisiana by way of La Mutine, then dumped off in Alabama and Missisippi, fending for themselves, and becoming the women they were destined to be!  These incredibly strong women made New Orleans Louisiana their home, some of them becoming among the elite of Louisiana and the Gulf Coast, founding dynasties and properties, some with their bare hands. Thank you to all the women who helped to develop Louisiana. We appreciate and love you all. And thank you Tonette for sharing your ancestor's story with me. This work is completely fictional, but is based on a true account of the mutinous women. The only real life people in the story are mentioned in passing so to honor their memories and also to respect the existing families of the real women. Thank you for reading!

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