Mei and Friend Fae: Information

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Meiko, Nicknamed Mei 

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Meiko, Nicknamed Mei 

11 (In Dreamworld) 15 (Outside World)

She carries a backpack on her back. Kel, and Aubrey were really curious about it, seeing it was probably filled with things, like books...and pills.

Weapon: Pillow: Even though it's soft and fluffy, you may experience slight your face. WHAM!

Charm: Pepper Spray: No wonder she has it; it stings a your eyes...and also makes you blind for a moment. Better get them whacked and smacked! HISSS!

Likes: hospital food, donuts, self-defense, taking photos of the landscape, the mailbox with eyes (She shoves mail into that thing, like it'll eat it.) graphic novels, novels, serotonin pills (They keep her awake.) the weird ghost girl that follows her around (It's name is Friend, and she comforts Mei when she's sad, or having a negative feeling in her.) being with Friend, inviting Friend to picnics alone, train rides

Dislikes: not getting sleep, homework, getting injured, Friend not friending (Basically, Friend fails to help her calm down.) nightmares, saying she's fine when she's not really fine, her pills not working (AKA eyes shutting down like a damn computer)

Her Trauma: Ever since she was little, people expected the best from her. They didn't want her to lack off, didn't want her to get distracted, they always expected the best from her. Mei noticed, and started being the best she could. However inside her, there was something forming...Doubtful.

Friend/ Real Name: Fae

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Friend/ Real Name: Fae

10 (Dreamworld) 14 (Outside World) 

She's always seen floating, or walking around Mei. In Dreamworld, you can't seperate them, but in the real world...still can't seperate them! They're stuck together like glue! The unusual thing about Fae is that she has no color, but her eyes do. Some people see a bunch of stars falling in her eyes sometimes. 

Weapon: Lance: It may look like a sword...It is a sword, idiot! One hit, slash, or slice from this will make you go "Hey, that's cheating!" What? Couldn't hear you over my slashing!

Charm: Ribbon Stick: It feels magical, just twirling it around in circles around you...Though the ribbon does attract bunnies...somehow?

Likes: visiting, movies, twirling and doing ballerina moves, watching performances in movie theaters, stargazing, board games, playing on her Tamagotchi Pocket Size thing (Her pet is a wolf she named Moon.) playing with Mei, comforting Mei, helping out people, picnics alone with Mei, popsicles, spicy food

Dislikes: ruining a surprise, dumb bets even though she didn't bet on anything at all, just watches people bet, casinos, gambling, little kids asking to see her sketchbook (It makes her VERY uncomfortable...) her Tamagotchi being distracting

Her Trauma: She thinks Mei is a perfect person; with a perfect life, perfect parents...everything about Mei screamed PERFECTION. Fae however, has fighting parents, C and B grades, and a medium life. She wishes for her birthday every day saying "I wish to be perfect." while saying something else.

Extra: I SHIP THEM (But I need ship names...)

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