Jesters on a farm

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You quickly tug on your clothes, hearing your parents getting ready.

You pull on one shoe, then the other while hopping towards your door, and then leaving your bedroom.

Your parents are going to the farm again, and you need to ask to go with them right now if you want to go again.

Its been a couple weeks by now, and you are so ready to go again. You didnt even say bye to Sun!

So rude! And he was so nice to you! He very much did not deserve that, he is such a sweet and friendly guy!

You run down the hallway and down the stairs, then speedwalk into the livingroom, where you're parents are checking if they have all the things that they (dont) need.

You walk up to your mom, grabbing her attention.

"Hm? Oh, hey pumpkin, whats up?"

Why do they have to sound so nice until they talk to someone or talk about something they dont like??

"..Can I...come with you to the farm again? To...learn more about dealing with the more difficult people?"

Perfect lie.

She stares at you for a bit before smiling.

"Yeah sure honey!"

You smile back. Yes. Now you can apologize to Sun, hopefully hang out with him a bit more, and um...try not to die because of Eclipse.


You are trying really hard to not bounce in your seat.

You feel like you are too excited, but then again its been a couple weeks.

You perk up, seeing the large dirt road (driveway??) And the large sign saying 'The superstar ranch.'

As the car pulls up onto it, you see three figures on the porch, perking up as you easily spot Sun.

You also notice the other red animatronic you saw standing with them.

Its clear that the three were talking, but they all pause as they notice the car while it stops.

Once its completely stopped, your parents climb out, and you come out after them, just to watch as Sun heads to the barn and as the red animatronic goes inside the house.

You then politely follow your parents as they walk up onto the porch, over to the animatronic embodiment of an eclipse.

You feel his gaze wash over your parents and you, settling on you for an extra couple seconds before going back to your parents, a passive aggressive glare on his face.

"We all already know why yall are here, so how 'bout we just go on in 'n have the usual borin' conversation inside for a couple o' hours~"

Your parents clearly arent pleased with that wording but they dont say anything, just following Eclipse as he heads inside.

You follow as well, entering the living room.

Your parents of course sit down and you follow, looking up at Eclipse once you have sat down on the couch.

Your father then gestures to you.

"You remember our child from our last...visit, yes?"

Eclipse glances over at you, a smirk on their face, and you have a feeling that he is holding back saying something flirty like 'how could I forget such a pretty face' or something like that, but he doesnt say it, as your parents are of course very much still in earshot.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 28 ⏰

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