Chapter 55

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                It had been 3 days since the battle with the Shadows. Gemma had shown Emiko and a few more fighters from Ashby where Abaddon’s main base was. They finished off who was remaining there and took most of the supplies. James had been locked up by Victor and Doug. He was locked up in the basement of an old building close to the gate. We had already had a funeral for Greta and it had destroyed Bruce. As for Abaddons’ body. We burned it. We made sure to light him up well.

                      I was in the infirmary and I was just sitting in the chair thinking about the last couple of days and the amount of stress I had gone through. Had it caused me to lose the baby? Hopefully no… I still should have listened to Anais. Apparently about the infirmary was Marla had an ultrasound machine or whatever it was.

                 Marla came down the stairs and she walked over to me. “ Okay I’m all set. Are you ready?”

                    I took a deep breath and nodded. “ Yeah I’m ready.”
          “ Follow me then.” She turned around and started walking back up the stairs. 

     I got up from the chair and followed quickly behind her. As I got upstairs after her she led me into a room. It was a pretty big room. The machine was near the corner of the room and on the other side was a metal table and a few cabinets stuffed with antibiotics. 

                    “ Sit.” She pointed towards the chair. 

         I walked over towards the chair and I slowly sat down in the chair. It was an old brown worn leather chair. Not very comfortable either. “ So what now?”

                    She walked over to the chair and she went over and grabbed some surgical gloves off the table nearby. “ Just stay calm. You’ll be fine.”

                       She then pulled out a white bottle and she squeezed it onto my stomach. It felt a little weird as it hit my stomach and then she grabbed the thing she was using to perform the ultrasound with. She started moving the thing whatever it was around my stomach. 

                  She looked at the monitor. She smiled and looked at me. “ I got a heartbeat. The baby seems to be okay.” 

               I sighed in a bit of relief. “ Good to know.”

             She moved it around my stomach a bit more as she paid more attention to the monitor. She paid more attention to what was on screen and she started to really focus on it. I looked at her with a confused expression. “ Marla what’s wrong?”

                     She didn’t say anything and just continued moving the thing around. She finally turned her head back to me and spoke. “ Uh don’t be alarmed Claire. But I think you may be having twins.”

                        My entire face shifted from concern to surprise. “ Twins? You are telling me that I’m probably going to have twins?”

                    She nodded as she pointed to the monitor. “ See right there.”

        I looked and it was confirmed. I was going to have twins. “ Oh god.” I sat back in the chair. “ I thought having one baby would be hard for me to handle. But twins? Seriously?” 

                  She put the thing down on the table and switched off the monitor.  “ I mean you have Anais and Kolson to help you. And everyone else here.”  

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