3- Thats what brothers are here for

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[Tommys Pov:]

I eventually made my way home, feeling incredibly down after a good time out, probably my social battery drained or some shit.

I walked through the front door, placing my keys in the key bowl by the front door, locking up behind me. I slid of my shoes and jacket, looking around the downstairs, was no one home?

I wonderd upstairs towards my room, i stopped however when i heard muffled cries..Wilbur? Id raise an eyebrow and knock gently on his door.

"You okay in there Will?" Id ask, moving my hair out my eyes as i waited for a reply.

"F-fine. I-im fine." Hed cough out shakily, probably not expecting anyone home for a few hours.

"If your so fine than may i come in?" Id sigh, knowing he was not indeed fine.

"N-no... I uhm, fine." Hed sniffle and I'd wonder inside after i got my answer, shutting the door gently behind myself incase anyone else came home unexpectedly.

Wilbur looked a mess quite frankly. His hair had definitely been tugged, hie eyes were red and puffy, his knees against his chest, the bruises across his showing skin and he stank of cigarette smoke.

"Woah...what happened-?" Id say in shock, sitting next to him, holding his hand to calm him slightly, it used to work when we were younger and he had more frequent anxiety attacks.

"I-i uh.." That was all he could get out before he just leaned into me, crying quietly, well trying to be quiet.

"It's alright Will, let it out big man." Id smile gently at him, rubbing his back.

A while later Wilbur had calmed down and was now just leaning on me, an odd sniffle leaving his nose every few minutes. I was determined to fucking destroy whoever hurt him.

"Im sorry..uh yknow how me and Schlatt were dating?" Hed begin to explain, i nodded gently, letting him do the talking.

"He wasn't the best..he'd get his anger out on me and ive been so scared to break up with him b-because i thought he do it worse but he broke up with me today after giving m-me the worst beating yet.. He's a monster, he got me back into smoking and all sorts! I just wanna feel like myself again." He'd cry out all at once.

"Oh man..its okay, look maybe we could get you like professional help soon? Or uhm talk to the therapy people at school? Im here for now though!" Id smile, trying my best to help.

Hed nod, hugging me and ruffling my hair.

"Thank you, you dont know what that means to me. Just uh, promise me you wont get involved with anything drug related? It never has a good ending Tom, i dont want you doing what I've been doing." Hed explain and i just went quiet, i couldnt lie to him after he just explained his life problems!!

"Tommy...? Please cmon bud tell me you havent.." Hed say, concern filling his tone.

"I uhm, its not like bad!! Its not smoking or anything like that!" Id try to reason with him, knowing that wouldn't get me anywhere as any drug is bad. Ive been told that before.

"Tommy, do you vape?" Hed ask, disappointment leaking of him.

Id simply nod with my head down, frowning slightly, i hated awkard conversations.

"Alright.. Dont tell dad and i wont tell him about you, we can try quit together, hm? Is it just you or..? Your friends aswell?" Hed ask, not trying to make me feel bad as hes going through similar stuff, he knows how i feel.

"Uhm, me and Tubbo, but don't tell anyone please, i dont want Tubs in trouble." Id sniffle and Wilbur would nod.

"Alright big man. Now, we have school tomorrow, try not to get in any fights again alright? Ill be more on watch out for you, i wanna be a better brother." Id nod smiling slightly as i hugged him which was pretty rare as im not much of a touchy person..dont ask Tubbo.


It was around nine pm and i was in my pyjamas, i wanted to do something to distract me from everything, so i could think of one person who's good at talking for hours on end.

"Technooo can i come innn?" Id ask, knocking over and over again being the annoying little brother i was.

Eventually i got a mumble of a yes and i wonderd in, closing the door, sitting down next to him.

"Im bored. Can you tell me about all that weird stuff you like, like we used to do when we were younger?" Id plead, not wanting to vape so soon after id talked to Wilbur about quitting.

"Of course, so...


[Wilbur's Pov:]

I wonderd into Dad's room, he had been rather distant lately and i wanted to check up on him and get the role of favorite child. He was sat on his bed on his phone, i sat next to him, watching him turn off his phone and raise an eyebrow.

"You alright Will?" Hed ask and id nod  not ready to tell him about everything yet.

"Are you? You've been off recently, your job is stressful but is there anything else dad..?" Id ask, fidgeting with my hands slightly.

"Oh son, thank you for asking, your old mans alright, ive lost the job but uh im doing better and im doing more social media things now to make a living off of which is going great and uh, well can i tell you something?" Hed stop to watch me nod then hed continue.

"Uhm i may have found a girlfriend..?" He'd chuckle slightly and id smile.

"Thats great! When do we get to meet her? How long have you been together?" Id ask all at once, no wonder the old man is stressed, hes been fired and now doing another job and hes found a lover.

"Well calm it down but shes in town in a few weeks so maybe then and we've been dating for around...eight months?" Hed smile and id smile back.

"Thats awesome, i hope she makes you happy dad." Id grin, leaning back slightly.

"Yea she does, hows your love life anyway, your my second eldest, techno doesnt want to date anyone so how about you? You found anyone?" Hed ask and id shiver slightly but shake my head.

"No, not the one yet.." He would nod with me.

"Well your still young, plus you dont need one. Tech doesn't, he does his own thing, always has done." Wed exchange a laugh and tease him even though he wasnt here, it always ended up with laughter, that's what i liked.


[1132 Words]
-Insert awsome thing here

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