(Sorry I made another one but this one connects with the first one)

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I was quick to comfort Shuichi while he was crying with tissues in his hands and phone on the table

Kaito: "uhm what happened?"

Shuichi: m-m-my grandmother....she..SHE PASSED AWAY *crying* my mom texted me that she passed away a-a-and said that I was the one she was thinking about when she was about to DIE *more crying 😢*

Kaito: Dude I'm sure that you'll be okay your grandmother is was like 88 years old (old ahh grandma damn go to a retirement home 💀💀)

Shuichi sighed and dropped the tissues

"Your right I shouldn't be crying I shouldn't be sad at all


Kaito: "Was your grandmother special to you?"

Shuichi: "Not really but she was weird when I was 10 she was nice everyone would just pat me on the head but...instead she would rub my thigh I didn't have the guts to tell her I was uncomfortable because I thought I would be rude I tried to tell her to stop but she would always say that I'm just an adorable cute little boy everyone looks at me that way it's a way to show affection I tried everything to get her to stop I even told my teacher but she told me to stop being disrespectful but at least my grandmother lived a good life....i think"

Kaito: Shuichi that's- (never mind)

Shuichi: But I still love my grandmother! She used baked me cookies!

Kaito: Ah well I'm out, I need to investigate a case

Shuichi: What's it about?

Kaito: The M-26  (May twenty six) incident

Shuichi:......... (Shuchi stayed silent as he slowly stepped back in terror like a flashback flashed his mind his skin turned tan to pale)

Kaito: Woah,What happened?

Shuichi: N-nothing just......don't ever bring that up EVER again Momota

Kaito: Oh uhm sorry,anyways I gotta go bye babe!

Shuichi: Bye sweet cheeks!

Kaito: Babe I already told you stop complaint ing yourself~

Shuichi: Huh?......o-oh he got flustered as he understood the joke (yes there is Saimota in here whatchu gonna do about it😡😡)

Word Count: 342

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