Chapter One

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Oh btw got the images from purpleturtles2005 ✌️

Also sensitive content??? Idk what counts as sensitive but yea. Read with caution.


The heels of my boots clicked annoying loud on the pavement, so loud I'm sure just about everyone in this weird dark alleyway could hear them. They were so loud they could be classified, as like, a safety hazard. Oh well. At least they make me look hot.

Not that I wasn't already hot.

I mean like, long dirty blond hair, gorgeous dark amber-brown eyes that contrasted with peachy skin? Fucking gorgeous, am I right?

I clenched my purse a little tighter, the black leather smooth between my fingers. Today had been a great day as far as fighting goes, and I had four thousand dollars and not a single scratch on me. Like literally, woohoo, go me. I totally beat their asses.

But the reason my freshly painted black nails are digging into the Gucci purse strap- which was expensive as fuck- is that I can hear more than just my footsteps. But whoever's following me is good- their steps are in sync with mine. The only reason I can hear them is because of that double echoey sound- louder and more pronounced than one person's.

Quickly, I scan the shadows for anything unusual. And I couldn't see anything because of how dark it was. Like, no shit Sherlock, it's one a.m. and you're in a dark alleyway. Of course you're not gonna see jack shit.

Still, being the dumbass that I am, I proceed to try and look around to see something. You'd be surprised- I actually succeeded. It wasn't much, just a shadow near one of the apartment's fire escapes, but hey, it was something. And honestly, I may just be the world's most suicidal idiot, because good ol' dumbass me decides, 'hey, why not take a closer look at the thing moving in the shadows that is most likely very dangerous'.

Spoiler Alert: it turned out to be more dangerous than I thought.

You know what, I'm just slowly digging my own fucking grave at this point. Because I apparently think it's a good idea to go investigate a most likely very talented stalker or kidnapper or whatever right now. Yeah, I think you can tell that my brain doesn't quite work very well. 

I inch closer, trying to stay quiet, but these stupid- but also gorgeous- black boots make their signature thumpy click. And luck has apparently abandoned me entirely and not just mostly at this point, because clouds overlap the moon, making it even harder to tell whether I'm about to be kidnapped by some random pedophile or stalker or murderer or something.

I don't really pick up well on small things, but it's like I just snorted cocaine. I felt on fire, like barely contained excitement and hysteria and hyper awareness mashed into one big ball of a person. A very hot and gorgeous and probably about to be murdered person.

The first thing I noticed was probably that the echoey effect of the second set of footsteps cut off abruptly as I slowly slinked around a dumpster that kinda smelled like rat shit. Aka a typical L.A. dumpster. The next thing I noticed was the shadow had stopped moving towards me, and was now sort of going in a semi circle path around me. I was totally fucked. This person clearly knew what they were doing.

So, being a definitely very logical person, I can tell that this person, however unlikely it is, is probably more skilled and/or intelligent than me, and I would very much like to get back to my cat at home today. 

Actually, thinking of Fangsnap gives me an idea. However shitty this idea is, it's the only one that is sort of intelligent towards the idea of approaching this... person. So, you know how cats like to jump and climb on stuff and it's like surprising sort of? Yeah... that's like my idea, but dumber, and I'm not, y'know, a literal cat.

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