Chapter Two

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Ya'll I fucking love these couple pics they are just AMAZING 👊

Also ty for all the reads❤️


Ugh. I still can't help but think that this all happened to me because of a pair of fancy boots. It's like throwing a pebble in the ocean and causing a tsunami.

The world is still weird and faded and kinda blurry, but I can tell that I'm in the backseat of what looks like a really fancy car, like a Mercedes or Porsche or something of the sort. Not too expensive, but still somewhat expensive. Noticeable, yet not noticeable enough.

A perfect car for a kidnapping. Practically a classic.

Also, this guy drives like a fucking maniac. He's on the highway, most likely the 101, and he's driving fast, maybe like eighty. Every time he swerves my already sore head hits the side of the door, leaving a red mark behind. I don't think there's an escape plan for this. At least, maybe not with my amount of braincells. Which is severely lacking.

Like, who thinks it's a good idea not to run away from a kidnapper, but instead run towards them? Literally, who does that?

Me, apparently.

Which most likely tells me I should rethink the life choices that led me to here, but I would much rather learn what the fuck was even going on here. I mean, if you've been kidnapped, that's probably the first thing you should think about.

First of all, I didn't live with anyone, wasn't dating anyone, and didn't have any close friends, mostly just acquaintances. Which means that probably nobody would notice that I'm missing. It would at least take a week, maybe even up to a month. It's up to me if I can wait it out that long. Well, not really, but I guess I can hope. 

I'm laid out across all three gray leather seats, and my hands are tied behind my back. I'm laying with my back facing the back of the seats, so it's honestly a miracle that I haven't fallen flat on my face by now. Peeking between the two front seats, I catch sight of a gleaming silver Mercedes logo.

I fucking called it.

At least I was kidnapped by someone that was at least kind of rich. Giving sugar daddy vibes but that's okay.

I twist my head a little, trying to catch sight of whoever's driving. All I can see are thin and strong deep tan hands on the wheel. He may drive like a maniac, but I was at least fairly safe if he kept both hands on the wheel.

It's a bit darker out, with few cars on the highway. The car's digital clock reads 1:32. I can really only get a clear view of two other cars: a bright red Corvette and a sleek white Porsche. That probably meant we were near a rich section of the city, or else there would be like Toyotas or Hondas or some shit like that.

I squint, trying to use all of my few braincells. Actually, I did hit my head, so I'm pretty sure I'm down to one now. Oh well.

It was around 1:00 when he grabbed me, and now it was 1:32, then we were most likely in the outskirts of L.A. So probably the really rich parts of the suburbs. I truly don't know which one is worse.

He suddenly takes an exit and turns onto what looks like a neighborhood street. My eyes widen and I grimace when I realize where we are. Somewhere in like Beverly Hills, or other rich parts of the city. No one else could own these mansions except for the fancy rich bitches.

That being said, I kinda was one of those fancy rich bitches. 

I try to stay silent so he thinks I'm still asleep. I mean like, that's the safer option. I think. But if he's looking for a struggle, he will most definitely get that later. For now, I think it would be safer to just be quiet and assess the situation. Maybe this was just a misunderstanding. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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