the day that i met you :)

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14:54 on my way to Bojans dorm

I usually dont knock on the door but when i saw my favorite door i did it today. ,,Hello" said really tall dude i think i never met before. He had dark hair and his eyes were also brown typically really dark. ,,Uhm hi is Bojan here" i asked him. ,,He had some family emergency but you can spent time with me" he said trying to sound flirty. It looked funny to me how he tried so i decided to agree on spending time there. ,,Whats your name" he asked me as i went inside. ,,Marija and you are" i asked looking at his tall leaning body on the doorframe. ,,Jan" he said amazed by hearing my name. ,,What" i asked laughing as i heard his confused self. ,,You really are Bojans bestie" he said. ,,Yes i am the weirdo i bet he talks about me in your band a lot" i said giggling, this guy already made me feel comfortable being here which suprised me quite a lot. ,,Yeah quite a lot" he answered looking into my eyes. ,,Good i guess" i said. ,,So you will be the future bassist" he asked me. ,,Yep, you look quite amazed by that" i said smiling. ,,Its that i never saw a girl that pretty like you playing bass before espacially with bunch of losers like us" he said. ,,oh come on you arent losers and im not some beauty queen" i said. ,,But i already do some work for you, you just dont know it" i added mysteriously. ,,What it is" he asked leaning towards my body. ,,Uhm i write songs for you together with Bojan" i said bit pulling away because i wasnt used to this behaviour from people my age. ,,Jan get lost see she is clearly scared" said Kris who i met about a year ago. Jan rolled his eyes and went over to his guitar. ,,Whats with Bojan" i asked Kris. ,,His mum isnt feeling her best so he wants to be there for her, he didnt tell you" he said suprised. ,,Nope asshole" i said and Kris giggled. ,,Was he too weird because he can be sometimes girls stopped talking to him last year since he beceme so hippie" Kris asked me. ,,No he wasnt weird dont worry" i said looking at Jans tall body espacially his hands on the electric guitar. ,,Bojan asked me to take you for the rehearsel today with us even tho he isnt here wanna come" he asked me. ,,Sure i'll just have to grab my bass" i said. ,,Well in five minutes in front of this door okay" said Kris and i left to grab my bass from my dorm

Kris's pov:

,,Jan what were you doing you know how Bojan protects her" i said looking at that idiot who just packed his guitar. ,,Yeah i know but you dont remember how good to talk to she is, i still remember the day we locked eyes on that concert where Bojan took her" he said sounding weirder then usual. ,,Man you like this girl but you know how Bojan would probably kill you if you dared to touch her" i said worriedly. ,,Dont remind me please i dont know how i will handle being around her in the band" he said and i gave him a hug. ,,You can do it, there is plenty girls next year on that tour after we graduate" i said to cheer him up. ,,I dont want a fan of us" he said. ,,Get yourself together Jan we are graduating in a month thanks to Jure and we will leave this butthole school and go to that tour in England" i said still trying my best. ,,Will you tell her or Bojan" he asked me. ,,Not if you dont want me to" i said and he hugged me. Jan rarely fell in love and if it was pretty hard but now it was the hardest it ever been.

Marijas pov:

,,Hey im back" i said leaning on the doorframe. ,,Are you copying me" said Jan. ,,Maybe i am" i said smiling. ,,Okay lets go guys or Jure will burst in angre" said Kris and pushed both of us gently so we would go. As we were walking Kris was in the middle making this really funny since im only 159 and Jan is 186. Jure was happy seeing me since we rarely saw each other since Bojan rarely allowed me to talk to his other band members since we turned 15. ,,Hii" said Jure hugging me. ,,hey" i said accepting the hug. After our hug we quickly prepared our instruments and then got to work. Apart from my bass i now did Bojans singing so it is easier for us. Our rehearsel went on well and i got multiple compliments not just for my bass skills but also my singing skills. ,,Thank you Jan" i said smiling almost bit blushing as he complimented my skills once again. ,,Guys do you want to sleep over since its late and i dont want to out in the cold night" said Jure. He lived in his own place since his parents bought it for him. Jan and Kris agreed but i was bit hesistant since i never  slept over anywhere before. ,,Hey you dont need to we wont be pressuring you" said Jan making me feel safer. ,,I'll rather take the walk if you dont mind Jure" i said worriedly. ,,Naah its okay i understand" he said. ,,I can go with you if you want" Jan offered and i thought it was nice from him. ,,If you dont mind" i said smiling. ,,Me? No" he said and we putted our shoes on and went out. He made sure to be close to me as we walked because people can be weird around here espacially this late at night. ,,How did you enjoy our concert" he said out of nowhere pointing at that concert of theirs i went to last month. ,,I loved it your solos are amazing Jan but its sad that Martin has to leave you guys" i said. I noticed him blushing even tho he was trying to hide it. ,,Awwh thank you" he said in a cute way making me smile. It wasnt long walk so soon we were in front of my dorm door. ,,Thank you for walking me here" i said. ,,It was my pleasure helping you" he said leaning towards my body a bit again. I smiled and as he leaned i messed his hair leaving him suprised. ,,Goodnight Jan sleep well at Jures" i said with a smile as i opened the door. ,,Goodnight Marija and make sure the bugs dont bite you" he said also smiling ,,Bugs" i giggled. ,,Yes" he said smiling. ,,Okay bye Jan" i said. ,,Bye Marija" he said and i closed my door. As i prepared myself for bed i started feeling this weird feeling i never felt before. I couldnt stop thinking about Jan. I had this already when i saw him at that concert and we locked eyes in the crowd but now it was harder. When i layed on my bed i searched thru Bojans insta to find his instagram. ,,Hey i know its gonna sound weird but i think i like you since that concert where we locked eyes multiple times" i wrote before my hand slipped and i fell asleep shortly after.

Hey guys i know i have a lot of books already unfinished but chatting with one AI made me write this😅 I hope you will like what future brings for this book, see you soon

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