The Opal Heart

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A Lioness roars for a drink of water.

She smells the air as she stands over the slaughtered.

Turning her gaze to a man shackled by his ankles.

With his varicose veins his gaze meets hers.

Her arteries began to harden leaving her heart at a stillness.

Never before had she such an illness.

She approaches the man with eagle claws scared onto his back.

She growls as she looks at his hand.

The hand which served the "master"

The same master that sent for her death.

Revenge was sweet but he was next.

He looked down as he lifted the Holy Grail.

Her fiery cheeks went pale.

As she took a sip of the sweet blood.

King of Attica cause of the great flood.

Opposer of the sun.

Her ruling planet.

In the age of his sign.

His Mercy was granted.

I know he said.

I will she said.

Knowledge and will,

What a powerful combination.

He was Boreas reincarnation.

Orithya he called her, what is your command?

Persian ships must be damned.

He met her eyes once more.

This time she did not roar.

She purred her omens and her wish was spoken.

Queen of the mountains.

Her rage spread.

Leaving all dead.

His craft paid his debt.

She and Craftsmen with the opal heart.

We're a force torn apart.

Unniched.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon