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This is my Strange Hill High OC, Mr Archibald von Fortuitous, otherwise known as Mr. Fortuitous (though Mitchell, Becky, and Templeton address him as his real name, Archie). He is a support teacher at Strange Hill, and more often than not, (and knowing full well it goes against his job description) he ends up involved in the shenanigans that Mitchell, Becky, and Templeton get themselves into.

He has a stern, yet firm demeanour, and isn't afraid to call any of the main trio out on any bad thing they do. Despite that, he has a soft spot for them. He also has a niece called June, who likes Mitchell.

As revealed in "Big Mouth Strikes Again", He has lepidopteraphobia, a fear of butterflies and moths. Also, he wears mismatching socks, like Templeton.

His moustache moves whenever he speaks, cause it's animated via CGI.

Voice actor: Stephen Fry



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This is my second Strange Hill High OC, June, the niece of Mr Archibald von Fortuitous, my other Strange Hill High OC. She was transferred from her old school due to her old bullies tormenting her. Her uncle, who is a support teacher, enrolled her, and found one of the old school sweaters that Abercrombie once threw out, due to causing severe itching on students. He changed it for a new, Hypoallergenic version, and covered up all traces of finding the old one.

She has A crush on Mitchell Tanner, though she never shows it in front of her uncle. And, like her uncle, she gets involved in the shenanigans that Mitchell, Becky, and Templeton get themselves into.

Voice actor: Teresa Gallagher 


Strange Hill High (c) CBBC

MY OCs are 2 me.

these 2 are gonna appear in my upcoming 'Strange Hill High: New Student & Teacher Edition.

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