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I PASSED OUT on Owens's couch drunkenly after a night of partying and drowning my insides in alcohol. Empty solo cups scattered by my body as I slowly awaken from my intoxicated sleep, I blink a few times to regain full vision. The bright rays of the sun immediately pierced my eyes, causing my head to ache and pulse, I pushed my hungover body up into a sitting position, squinting and looking around at the mess created the night before, it was not the worst condition I'd seen this house in but it definitely could use some major cleaning, especially after a huge party.

It's oddly quiet which is a little unusual, I get off the couch to go and check the rooms to see if anyone is here, no other than Owen's door is cracked just enough to see into, and to my surprise, he's here and not at work, passed out in his bed shirtless....he looks so peaceful when he's asleep. I smile as I take one more glance at him, my eyes scanning his body, trailing down his rock-hard abs, to his v-line....wait, why am I thinking this way!? He has a girlfriend and he's my best friend, I shouldn't be thinking about him like this, plus I'm not a homewrecker, no way would I take some other girls man! It's just cause I'm hungover or something. I push the thought off and walk away from his room, going to look for my phone. God my head hurts like hell, finally after what seems like forever I find my phone on Owens's kitchen counter then I head to the bathroom, might as well see if he has some Advil or something for my headache, I check the medicine cabinet. 

With two pills in the palm of my hand, I head back to the kitchen and grab a nice cold water from the fridge, opening it I hear a door creaking down the hall, Owen must be awake, I take a sip and drop the two pills into my mouth, washing them down and the bitter taste they've left behind, taking one large gulp of the water, the cold sliding down my throat, I soak up the soothing feeling of the water. Hearing footsteps approaching the kitchen I seal the plastic bottle of water and set it down, waiting for Owen to appear from the hallway.

"God it's so bright" Owen whines, squinting as he walks past me to the fridge, grabbing cold water for himself, "Good morning sleepy head, I thought you'd never wake up!" I chuckled, looking at him trying to ignore the lustful, unhinged thoughts racing through my mind, past moments flashing into my mind, just twenty minutes ago when my eyes were studying his perfectly sculpted abs....GOSH, I need to stop thinking about Owen in this lewd way, he'd hate my guts if he knew what I was thinking about right now! "Oh be quiet I know damn fucking well you didn't wake up early, you can't fool me, you constantly wake up late" I snap out of it as Owen retorts, I roll my eyes and giggle, "Okay, Okay I woke up at like 12:30 but whatever~" I snort with a small smile plastered on my face, Owen chuckles, taking a sip of his water. 

"Well then, I'm probably gonna head out soon, don't wanna annoy you too much" I huff, combing through my hair with my fingers, Owen's head tipping slightly to the side, he stares at me with a confused look for a second "So soon huh? What, you got a date or something you have to get ready for?" Owen asks with a mocking, confused tone, yet there's a hint of jealousy peering through, I try and ignore it, "Oh please calm down, as if I had a date bud, I just don't wanna clean!"  I joke, not trying to think or discuss the real reason I want to leave.

  "C'mon tell me Y/n please~"  Owen pleads, laughing a little, "I just have a bad headache that's all, it's super painful, the lights bothering my eyes" I breathly say, my eyes dart to the counter, trying not to look Owen in the eyes while I lie right to his face. "Y/n just go lay down in my bed and rest your eyes, the sun will just irritate your eyes more if you were to drive home right now, I can wake you up in like an hour!" Owen quietly exclaims, leaning, his hand on the counter, causing his unbuttoned shirt to just be out of the way enough to where his abs were peeking through, I quickly glanced and then looked towards his face, trying to keep my composure and not dart my eyes back down his body. Staring back at Owens's face, his eyes begging for me to stay, I roll my eyes, "Ughh fine, It won't hurt I guess" I sigh, wanting to laugh at how easy it was for me to give in to him. 

"Good, it took you an hour to agree~" Owen chuckles and I roll my eyes, suddenly Owen grabs my water and phone out of my hand, and pulls my arm, dragging me along with him to his room at a quick pace. Before I knew it I was in his bed, warm under his soft covers with the lights turned low and the sunlight blocked from view by dark thick blackout curtains, I slowly drifted off into sleep, thinking hard about what just occurred, my mind running wild, flipping back to Owen's body, wishing I was under it, smelling his musk.....and here we are again, thinking so absurdly about my BEST FRIEND I've known forever, not understanding why all of the sudden I feel so strong about him.

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That's it for this chapter, I hope you like this story so far! Please go easy on me I haven't written much in a while and I'm trying to improve, any tips to make a better story are VERY appreciated. Anyway thank you for reading this far, I hope you have a good day/night wherever you are! :) 

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