Story 1

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On this Easter night, a small child is dozing in their bed. They awaken to the sound of their door squeaking open. Peeking around, they see what's happening: a large figure with long rabbit-like ears dragging their parents' bloodied corpses inside and propping them up against the wall. The child watches as the rabbit-like figure bends down to place a small basket between the parents and walks out, shutting the door. Stuffing their face into their pillow drenching it in tears the child waited for what felt like hours before finally reaching out to turn on the lamp next to them. They removed the sheets from their trembling body and sat up When the child finally faced their parents' lifeless bodies, the tears came down harder and faster. Their gaze fell to the basket between their parents, and as they slowly stood up and approached their corpses, they took care not to look them in the eyes again. When they got to the basket, they noticed a small, folded letter inside, which they shakily picked up and unfolded to reveal the words "See you next year."

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