Chapter 37 - M

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I can barely think straight as Minji pulls up in front of our house, my thoughts ruled by desire and fear in equal parts. Her lips felt perfect against mine, and that kiss was everything I've ever wanted. This one was different somehow. It was even better than the memory that sustained my love for her for so many years, yet it wasn't enough. It's odd how much more intimate a single kiss can be, compared to everything else we've done.

Minji seems on edge as she walks around the car, her expression unreadable. She offers me her hand, and I take it hesitantly. Never in a million years did I think we'd find ourselves together in this way, yet part of me feels like we were inevitable.

My fingers curl around her, and she holds onto me tightly as we walk to our front door, an unfamiliar tension filling the air. I'm scared she's already regretting kissing me, or that she only did it because she feels like it's part of her duties as my wife.

The way she's been touching me lately... I want it to be real. I know how much she values marriage, and it wouldn't surprise me if she's chosen to put my needs above her because of it. That isn't what I want. I want all of her, truly, fully, and freely given.

If there's even a small chance she'll regret being with me in this way, then I need to back away before it's too late. Before I destroy all we've got.

Minji unlocks our door with her thumb and we walk in, my hand falling out of her as the door closes behind us.

"Minji," I whisper, my heart aching even as a deep need for her holds me in its clutches, "I have a tendency to overthink things, so communication is really important to me. I'll drive myself crazy if I keep trying to guess how you feel about me. The last time I made a move, you rejected me and told me you'd never want me, and it left my heart bruised and my confidence shaken. Things have changed between us since then, but I need to know that I'm not just an obligation to you. So I'm going to ask you a question, just once. If your answer is no, I'll go to bed and we'll both pretend nothing ever happened."

She nods, her expression carrying a hint of intrigue.

"Do you truly want me? If we weren't married, would you want me?"

She smiles and walks toward me, her stride confident and impatient. Her arm wraps around my waist, and she pulls me into her, her lips finding mine with the same urgency she portrayed earlier. Minji groans as she kisses me, her hands moving over my body impatiently. I'm pushed against the wall, and her hand curls around my thigh as she hooks it around her hip.

I'm panting as she pulls her lips off mine to kiss my jaw, before placing them just below my ear, pressing a soft kiss to my neck that makes me shiver, "Is that enough of an answer, Hanni? I want you so fucking badly that it hurts," Her teeth graze over my ear, her breathing ragged, "I've dreamed of your pussy far more often than I'd dare admit, for far longer than I ever should have."

Her hands move to my waist, and she lifts me up against the wall, my legs wrapping around her hips to support myself, "You feel that, baby? Can you feel how hard you make me? You drive me fucking crazy. You always have."

One of her hands moves to my ass, and she grips tightly as her lips move back to mine, "Open," she orders, and I part my lips for her, deepening our kiss. My hands start to roam over her back, up, until I've got them buried in her hair, my nails brushing over her scalp, quietly conveying my rising need.

She groans against my mouth and carries me toward the living room, knocking over something in the hallway, but not even the sound of something shattering on the floor pulls us apart. If anything, it just increases her urgency.

Minji's hands move underneath my dress until she's gripping my ass with her bare hands, "Fuck," she moans against my lips, "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this. I haven't stopped thinking about that massage I gave you. Baby, I've wanted to slip my hands underneath your nightgown for longer than you can imagine. You knew exactly what you were doing to me when you wore that sexy sleepwear for me, didn't you?"

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