Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Okay he's gone you stealer" the coffee kid said pulling alexander up alexander was embarrassed asking a.. Nerd for help. Alexander thought. "Well what are you waiting for? We can make a meal with this "Alexander lifted his eyebrow. This could be a trick. He thought as he turned and walked away. But all of a sudden the coffee kid grabbed him by the arm and knocked him back into the wall. He was strong. "You're not gonna turn me in?" Alexander's breath was knocked out as the coffee kid giggled "that guy hates me! And I understand why you stole that fruit. Now lets see what we can do with this food" he kept giggling while speaking. Alexander could barely understand what he was saying. The coffee kid took Alexander's fruit while walking to the counter "what's your name?" The coffee kid smiled at alexander. "Alexander" he looked at the coffee kids pin that had the name: " Leon." Alexander muttered that word "yes? That's me, "Leon said, smiling "took you long enough "Leon let another small annoying giggle out. At this point they drew attention to themselves. "Here you go Alexander," Leon smiled, giving a plate of cut up fruit and a small cup of coffee. And Alexander ate it quickly. Leon inspected his outfit. It was a black ripped t-shirt with shorts that were raggedy and ripped. "Wow you really need new clothes eh?" Leon said, still inspecting. Alexander felt angry and blinded with anger but calmed down quickly. "Thanks-" Alexander sighed "oh! And your arms are badly bruised!" Leon exclaimed loudly, causing people to look at them. And get up and walk out. Now it's just Leon and alexander. "Oh well too bad for them" Leon walked up and turned the sign to closed and looked at Alexander, "well, let's let you eat." Leon said happily and Alexander sat down awkwardly. "Okay" he muttered as he ate the fruit slowly feeling awkward but to make it more awkward Leon was behind him as he leaned forward to grab Alexander's arms making him flinch in pain. "Let's see. Wow that's a lot of bruises" Leon said not smiling anymore looking kind of serious? Alexander looked away awkwardly and flooded, drowning in embarrassment. It seemed like months had passed with every shock of pain. "There! See that wasn't so bad" Leon smiled as Alexander looked at his wrists. There were bandages on both sides on his arms and his legs. "Why don't you finish eating?" Leon sat down next to him. As Alexander continued to eat his meal.

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