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||Kaminari, Third Person||

As a light was flashed a road his face, his eyes slowly fluttered open. He saw a silhouette of a figure walking across his room, flashlight hand. He closed his eyes for another moment, before reopening them in shock. "..Who- who are you?!" He shouted as he sat up. The person instantly turned to him, flashing the light on his eyes. He squinted his eyes. The light was too bright. The person cursed under their breath, before opening his balcony door, jumping out.

He stared, shocked. What the hell? He thought as he felt his nightstand for his phone, before eventually finding it, turning it on. The light from the phone screen blared, and he blinked a few times, adjusting his vision. He quickly tossed his covers to the side, then kicked his feet off the side of the bedside. He turned his phone light on, running to the balcony. He looked to the left, then the right, then off the balcony itself. Nobody. He stared for another moment, "Who's out there?" He shouted. No answer. Then, after snother moment, he sighed, turning around, heading back into his dorm. He slid the balcony door shut, making sure to lock it.

He looked back at his phone, 7:30, he thought. Class would start in an hour and a half. He decided he'd just stay up until it was time for school. So, he knelt beside his bed, peering beneath. He grabbed the book, before standing up, dusting his hands off on his pants. He plopped down on his bed, tossing his phone beside him as he opened his book to his most recent find, and began reading.


Thirty minutes passed of reading, and he had gotten a message. He sat his book down upside down on the bed, before grabbing his phone, clicking it on.

Kirishima: Hey, Kamibro! It's time to get uppp

Me: Thanks, man, I probably wouldn't have woken up if it wasn't for you

Kirishima: 😂

Me: 🥹 Manly, bro

Kirishima: Thanks, bro. You're pretty manly yourself!!

Me: 🤭

Kaminari's stern expression slowly softened into a smile. He didn't mind seeming like a complete moron, he liked making people happy. He yawned, setting his phone back down, continuing on with his book. "Kaminari. Are you awake?" He sighed as he heard a knock on his door. He shook his head, shoving the book back under his bed. He stood up, popping his back, before heading to the door. He slowly opened the door, grinning. "Hey, Todobro!" He chirped. Todoroki stared at him blankly for another moment, before speaking again, "I came to see if you wanted breakfast." Instantly, he nodded, "Ofcourse, dude!" Todoroki nodded, before turning around, heading back down the hall.

Once he was sure he had left entirely, he closed his door, heading over to his closet. He'd get dressed so he could have an extra 20 minutes of sleep after eating.


After he got changed, he left his dorm, switching the light off. He headed down the hall, where he was met with the intoxicating smell of a Todoroki's homemade meal. He moaned, "Something smells good, Todobro!" Todoroki stood at the stove, his back turned to the blonde. He had an apron on, and a few of the girls lounged around. Really, the only guy he saw was Sero. He assumed Kirishima was still trying to ready his hair, so he didn't bring up his loss of presence.

Instead, he sat between Sero and Jirou. He crossed his arms infront of his chest, leaning forward to watch the News with his classmates. "Ah, Kaminari. Did you enjoy that book you asked me for?" He heard Momo ask. He slowly brought his attention from the TV, to the raven, who was leaning forward like he was to look past Jirou. He chuckled, nodding. Momo smiled, nodding, "Good to hear." The two then returned to watch the TV.

After around 5 more minutes, Bakugou and Kirishima walked in. "Ugh, Icy-Hot is cooking? Last time I tried this bastards cooking, it was missing tons of ingredients." Todoroki spun around on his heel, a pan and spatula in hand. "No, I made it how my mother used to." Bakugou scowled, sitting down rather aggressively beside Aoyama. Kirishima then sat on the floor in front of the blonde. Kaminari glanced down at the redhead, before looking at Bakugou. He grinned, "Hey, Kiribro! Wanna trade spots?" Kirishima looked at him and smiled, shaking his head. "No thanks, man." Kaminari nodded as he sat back correctly in his seat. "If you say so." He muttered, crossing his legs.

As he watched the news, it was revealed that Mirko had caught a large villian in the city square, with Midnight's assistance. "Nah, it was no big deal. I'm just glad no civilians were hurt because of that bastard!" Kaminari happily watched. He was glad that Mirko did her job in order to save lives, not for the fortune or fame. As for Midnight- well, that was self-explanatory. "Foods done." Just then, Midoriya walked in, going behind the counter with Todoroki. "Anybody need something to drink while I'm in here?" Kaminari perked up, but instead of saying something, stood up, walking over to the kitchen himself.

The greenhead flashed him a confused glance, but continued on getting the others their drinks. The blonde grabbed a Dr.Pepper, before heading back to the main room. He paused. Kirishima was now in his spot. Hadn't he just asked him? He wondered, staring at the redhead. Shinsou yawned quietly from his spot on the other couch. "Wasn't Denki just there, Eijiro?" He said sternly. Kirishima instantly looked back at the blonde. "Oh, sorry, Kamibro." Quickly, Denki shook his head. "No, no. It's fine, bro." He smiled as he walked across the room.

Shinsou scowled, standing up. "You can sit here, I have to go." He said coldy as he walked across the room, his hands in his pockets. "Here." Todoroki said bluntly, handing him a plate of eggs, sausage and pancakes. Shinsou flashed him a smile, before heading on his way, shutting the door behind him. The class sat silently. "The fucks his deal?" Bakugou scoffed. Kaminari shrugged a shoulder, then sat down in the insomniacs spot between Sato and Ochaco.

Mina snickered, "I think someone's got a crush!" Kaminari stirred uncomfortably. He knew Mina wouldn't let this up without having a proper explanation explaining why she should think otherwise. "Oh, Bakugou! Change it to channel 300, SpongeBob is on!" Hagakure called from beside Ojiro. The room was filled with overly exaggerated groans. But in the end, it was decided, they'd watch SpongeBob.

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I hope to see you in the next chapter.


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