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↑ᴡʜʏ's ᴛʜɪs ʟᴏᴡᴋᴇʏ sᴏ ᴀᴅʀᴏʙs??

TW: Name Calling, Self Loathing, Depictions of ADHD

||Kaminari, Third Person||

As it struck 7:50, the students all began on their way to the Highschool, which wasn't but 5 minutes away. "Hey, Kamibabe!" Kaminari tilted his head back, and Mina jumped on his back, wrapping her arms around his neck. He laughed. "What's up?" He said after she got off. "Soo, you and Shinsou? You a thing?" She grinned, clasping her hands behind her back. He shook his head. "No, Mina..we aren't." She pouted, "Well, you should be!" She exclaimed, before grinning again. The blonde sighing, rolling his eyes jokingly. "Oh, hey- wait up, Kendo!" She then sped off after the ginger from Class B.

Kaminari let out a deep breath. Mina had so much potential to be a hero. She was kind, cheerful, and treated everyone fairly. So..why did he feel so pissed? His stomach felt queasy, and hell if he was hot. "Hey, Kaminari. We're having a little study session later, and wondered if you wanted to join." Midoriya approached as they entered the main Highschool Unit. He smiled, nodding, "You know it, Midobro!" The smaller flashed him a smile, before nodding, "Okay- I guess I'll talk to you later?" The blonde smiled, nodding as the other ran off, in a rush, as usual.

He sighed, his smile dropping to a minimum. He didn't understand the basics, because he'd always zone out while Aizawa explained it to them the first time. And Bakugou using him as a footstool, yelling at him every three seconds wasn't really the best way to learn the materials. But Bakugou was one of the smartest in the class, so it'd only make sense he'd be the lead of each session. I'll ask Midobro later. He thought as he walked down the hallway, his eyes glued to the floor. "Heyy, isn't that one of the losers from Class A?" He heard an oddly familiar voice cooe behind him. He spun around. Neito Monoma.

He smirked, "Well, well. How are you doing on this fine day, Kaminari?" He suddenly felt uncomfortable. He shrugged a shoulder, "I'm doin fine, what about you, Monoma?" He grinned. "Oh, you know. The usual! But say, I heard you guys are holding a study session, and Kendo was sorta wondering if you'd let our class join." He listened quietly. So that's why he was talking to him. Not because he liked him, but because Kendo wanted something from their class, and he was the easiest target to get that something.

He turned back around, shrugging. "I dunno. You'll have to talk to Bakubro-" The lighter blonde put his hand on his shoulder, holding him in place. "No. I asked you, I want an answer from you." Kaminari froze. Damn, if this dude was creepy. He turned back around, swatting the copycats hand from his shoulder. "Uhh, fine. Yes, we're having a study session, but on the other note, I don't know who's in charge, so I can't tell you if you'd be able to all join." The other male listened, his hands clasped behind his back.

Slowly, he smiled. "That explosive bastard wouldn't like us crashing the party, would he?" Kaminari laughed to himself. "I don't think so- but uh, I could ask?" After a brief moment of silence, the other smiled, nodding. "You do that." Kaminari nodded as he watched the other walk past him. Without thinking, he called out, "I..I'll see you later?" The male spun around, looking at him, smirking and shrugging. "Maybe." Then, he left. Kaminari sighed as he began on his original path.


He sat in class, staring at the back of the makes head infront of him, his mind drifting back to the copycat Class B. Why did he talk to him, of the whole class? He could have easily talked to Midoriya and gotten an easy answer. But instead, he asked him. He shook his head, looking back down to the paper in front of him. He still didn't understand the necessary material. He tasted blood on his tongue. He sighed. He had gotten back into the habit of biting his lip. "And time's up." His eyes widened, his head shot up, looking to their teacher, who stood at the front of the room, collecting papers.

He hurriedly got up, signing his name, before turning in his half-assed done test. He quickly went back to his seat. The teacher yawned, "Welp, you all have the last 10 minutes for yourselves before lunch." The class quickly turned into chatter as the students moved their desks around to speak with one another. He sat for a moment, wondering if anyone would attempt to speak with him, or if he'd have to make conversation with someone else.

He glanced around the room. Everyone seemed to be content. Then, he noticed Aizawa staring at him. "Kaminari, I want to speak with you before lunch." The blonde felt his heart drop. He suddenly didn't feel like talking with anyone. So, he sat silently for the next 8 minutes, and Aizawa let the rest of the class leave early, so Kaminari could still get to lunch on time. "I think you already know why I'm talking to you, Kaminari." He nodded. "I take it you aren't really comprehending the required materials all that quickly." He nodded again. Aizawa sighed. "Problem child, calm down. I..I was just like you as a child, so don't act so tense." Kaminari perked up upon hearing this. He looked up at the teacher.

Aizawa took this as the que to continue. "I was just going to tell you that tutoring is available. We have a few student tutors that are available during your lunchtime." Kaminari listened quietly, feeling a little hopeful. "But it'd take your guardians permission." Well, that idea was fucked all to hell. "But, since your mother is a pro, she acquired you a diploma to where you'd take all necessary classes, as long as you're successful in the hero course." The teacher paused, making sure the teenager was catching on, before continuing. "In other words, we do not need a permission form from your mother, but the thing entirely is up to you. I understand that you all have been having study groups, and you've went to every last one, but I also understand that you've been diagnosed with ADHD, and I understand that that may make things harder for you. Such as now; you're zoning out, aren't you? You're worried, are you not?" Slowly, he nodded. "Well, you don't need to, Problem Child." He glanced back at the clock, sighing. "Welp, go eat lunch and we can talk more later." Quick as the flash, he left. Aizawa sighed, shaking his head, "Problem Children."


As he made his way down the hall, skipping a few steps, he was welcomed to mostly empty halls and rooms. "Hey- Kaminari!" He turned. "Oh, hey, Neito!" He grinned, waving at the male who was waving to him in the distance. The other male hurried over to him, smiling. "Where you headed? Lunch?" He asked the slightly smaller. The copycat shrugged, "Eh, tryna find Teruteru. The prick left me in the classroom." Kaminari laughed. "Hey, don't laugh! It's not funny!" The other said, chuckling.

Kaminari emitted a small sigh, shaking his head. "Sure, sure." "Monoma-" The two turned their heads, and Kendo's hand sat in mid air, directly behind Monoma's head. She looked froze. Kaminari jumped. She came out of nowhere. Monoma ducked. She instantly moved back, looking surprised. She looked at the blonde's for a moment, before narrowing her eyes at Monoma. "Were you harassing the students of Class A again?" The copycat narrowed his eyes at the ginger. "No, for your information, I'm not." She rolled her eyes, before looking at the electrification manipulator pitifully. "Was he bothering you?" Immediately, he shook his head. "No, not at all!"

Kendo's eyes widened slightly, "O..oh, I see. Well, I'll- see you in class, right Neito?" He nodded. "Yup." The girl nodded, walking around the two, hurrying into the lunch room. The smaller blonde sighed, shaking his head, looking irritated. "You okay?" Kaminari asked, tilting his head slightly to look at the other.

He smiled, shaking his head. "Don't worry about me. Let's get lunch, yeah?" Kaminari slowly grinned, nodding, "Heck yeah!"

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I hope to see you in the next chapter.


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