Chapter one

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Recommend song for this fanfic: The death of peace of mind - Bad Omens
★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰ ★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰

It was a beautiful day and you wanted to go for a walk to see how the village has been doing.

You were walking around doing your duty to make sure everyone was happy, you weren't quite paying attention to who was infront of you and you bumped into someone the strength of their body almost knocking you over.

"Watch we're your going!" A deep voice spoke, You looked up and noticed that it was a man you recognized. His look was cold and stern, You stood up and fixed your outfit "Well I'm sorry sir you shouldn't be standing in the middle of the walk way." You paused "I guess we're both at fault" you added.

"Hmph," he grunted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Then maybe you shouldn't be wandering around like a damn deer in headlights." He glared at you for a moment longer before turning away, resuming his search through the marketplace. He hadn't noticed anything worth stealing yet, but he knew better than to give up hope just yet. These islands always had treasures hidden away somewhere. As much as he despised the idea of dealing with nobles like you, it came with the territory of being a pirate. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something about you that wasn't right. Something... off. Something that didn't fit with your royal airs. But he pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on finding his prize.

Seonghwa finally spotted what he was looking for a beautiful, intricately carved wooden box covered in gold leaf. He grinned, his piercing eyes glittering with greed. He snatched it up and turned around, ready to make his escape with his prize. It wasn't until he saw you standing right in front of him that he remembered his earlier encounter with you "Hey there gonna pay for that nice box there?" I asked "No," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "You're going to give it to me." He stepped forward, towering over you threateningly, his gun raised ominously. "You don't want trouble, do you?" He smirked.

You paused for a moment to think about the situation, your in public, guards surround this area, hundreds of witnesses... he wouldn't dare to, yes he's Park Seonghwa the most feared among pirates but he's not that stupid to shoot a princess in this situation "listen Park. There are hundreds of witnesses, guards that wouldn't hesitate to have your head on a stick." You stepped closer "so go ahead take the shot. I dare you." Seonghwa raised an eyebrow, his eyes flickering over the crowd surrounding them. He could sense the tension rising among the townspeople. They were armed and angry, ready to defend their princess. But he didn't flinch, not even a little.

Seonghwa's grip loosened slightly, but he didn't relinquish his hold on you entirely. "You think you can just order me around?" he growled, his face contorting into a sinister smile. "You're nothing but a pawn in your father's game." He leaned in closer, his hot breath brushing against your earlobe. "I could make your life miserable if I wanted to," he whispered, his voice dripping with malice. "And believe me, I want to." Reluctantly, he relaxed his grip slightly, letting you struggle against his hold. "Alright, alright," he finally said, releasing you. "I'll spare you this time, but don't ever cross me again." With a final glare, he turned and stormed away, disappearing into the crowd.

after he left, you went back home. He was right I'm just a pawn to my father. Except he can't make my life worse than it already is, after a good hour you left to the shore to watch the sunset I sat on the bench.

Seonghwa stormed back to his ship, fuming with anger and frustration. That damn princess had gotten under his skin somehow, making him question his own actions for the first time in years. He paced the deck, cursing her beautiful face and the way she'd managed to get beneath his tough exterior. He needed to forget about her, focus on the mission at hand. But every time he closed his eyes, he saw her red wolf cut hairstyle swaying seductively as she walked away, leaving him feeling... empty.

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