Chapter two

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Listen to: Just pretend - Bad omens
★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰ ★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰
You woke up around 9am, and went to eat breakfast. Trying your best to ignore conversations with your dad, you sat at your seat and ate your food in silence while your dad sat at the head of the table "Where were you last night Y/n?" He asked, you cursed in your head "I went on a walk" you lied, "Don't lie to me damnit!" He slammed his fists on the table causing you to jump slightly "You were with that godforsaken filthy selfish pirate Seonghwa! I told you to keep your distance from pirates yet here you are trying to be a hero! Y/n your a woman you should be at home doing chores and taking care of the important people in the house" he paused "it's embarrassing you the next in throne, I wish your mother had a son instead of you. Our disappointment daughter." He scoffed.

Tears filled your eyes, you stood up suddenly "I have to use the washroom... excuse me." You excused yourself and went into your room, you slammed your door shut. Your back hit your cool wall and you cried, you couldn't support yourself by your legs so you slowly slid down onto the floor sobbing. You were nothing but a disappointment to your family, your mother wouldn't be proud there's no way you could fulfill her wish.

Flash back

Your mom carried you into bed singing to you softly, you giggled as she tickled you. She smiled "Mommy will I be Queen one day?" You asked, she smiled and laughed "Of course my sweet angel" she held your hand "and wish for you to make this place a paradise better then me and your father have done" she said tucking your hair behind your ear "I promise mommy I'll make this the bestest place ever! Even pirates will love it!" Your smiled "I know you will my lovely" she kissed your cheek "now let's go to bed okay my dear"

End of flashback

You sobbed harder think of your mother, what would she think? You curled into a ball. Letting out all the held back tears. When suddenly a voice played in your head,

"I don't care about your damn father," "You're not a pawn, and neither am I. We're our own people, living our own lives, doing what we have to survive." "If anyone ever treats you like that again, remember this moment. Remember me telling you that you're worth more than their pathetic games."

You wiped your tears away as you remembered Seonghwas words.

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Seonghwa groaned, rubbing his head as he awoke in his cramped quarters. His head throbbed like a drum, and his mouth felt like a desert. Last night had been... unlike anything he'd experienced before. He hadn't meant to open up to you, hadn't planned on forming any kind of connection with someone like you. Yet here he was, feeling... different. Grumbling to himself, he rolled out of bed and stretched, wincing at the aches and pains that accompanied his movements. He stumbled out of his bunk and made his way to the galley, preparing some water and bread for himself and his crew. Today was going to be another long day at sea, and they needed their strength.

As he worked, thoughts of you filled his mind like a persistent melody. He couldn't seem to shake the image of your eyes, the way you'd laughed at his attempts at conversation. Dammit, why did you have to be so damn attractive? He shook his head, determined to focus on their mission. But it was futile; you were always there, haunting him like a specter.

"Seonghwa!" Hongjoong shouted "Where were you last night?" He asked full concern in his voice "I was... taking a walk" he answered "okay well we got concerned we had no idea where you went it was just an empty bottle of rum left" Hongjoong replied "I'm sorry for scaring you guys" he spoke, he paused for a moment "now" he cleared his throat "make sure you guys eat and drink something" he said busying himself with putting the dishes away.

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