001 .

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3rd person POV

The islanders were sat around the fire pit beside their partners, partaking in a game in which they pick a card from the heart-shaped box provided and do what it commands. The only instruction given by the producers was that the final player had to be a girl, and not elaborating any more.

Being the only girl to have had a singular go, Sophie nominated herself to be the last to go. A grin was rested on her lips as she stood, leaving Josh's side to walk to the box which, unbeknownst to her, was rigged to produce a certain card. Sophie reached her hand in, her fingers grabbing onto the card and lifting it from the box. Her face was one of confusion as the card was unlike the others and resembled more of an envelope. "Kiss a male islander of your choice and then open the card." Sophie reads, looking up at her fellow islanders seeing their faces just as confused.

The smile arrived back on Sophie's face as she made her way to Josh, leaning down to kiss him as her hand went to the side of his face, causing the others sat around the fire pit to let out a cheer of sorts — everyone shouting over everyone.

After a few moments, Sophie pulled away from the kiss, looking at Josh's smug face for a second before hurrying back to the front of the fire pit, eager to open the card.

In a swift motion, the makeshift envelope is opened, revealing words which made Sophie's jaw drop.

The islanders took notice, all piping up to find out what is written on the card that could be so shocking.

Sophie's hand goes up to her mouth for a brief moment before falling back at her side, her eyes scanning the islanders with a shocked laugh before reading: "The islander who has just been kissed will recouple with the new addition to the villa, leaving their partner single." As she finishes, she hand regains its previous space infront of her mouth.

Before any of the islanders can utter a word, Josh gets a text, his phone making a loud tone from his pocket.

"Oh god." Josh says with a laugh, trying to hide his nerves as he grabs his phone from the pocket in which it resides, holding it up as the screen casts light on his face in the dark of the night.

"Josh, please make your way to the hideaway to meet your new partner, Eden. #DoCountlessWrongsMakeARight? #TimeFlies"

The boys jump up and go to Josh excitedly, pushing eachother around as they surround him. Josh, on the other hand, does not look so pleased, this being evident when he puts his head in his hands, rubbing his face and muttering a "Shiiiiit."

The excitement of the boys quickly dies down as they notice this. "Ah no, do you have history?" Toby asks, all attention of the islanders moving to Josh as he sits there with a smile on his face, shaking his head to himself in disbelief.

"She was in my season bro." Josh replies, standing up from his seated position, "She fucking hates me."

The boys regain their excitement though, as Josh stands, them all hitting him and pushing him about as he tries to get past.

Edens pov —

Shit. The nerves definitely haven't gotten easier the second time around. Especially now that i am not an original, but a bombshell, my goal being to break up an already forming relationship.

As i try to calm myself, i eye up the bottle of prosecco which is yet to be opened, standing beside two idle, golden wineglasses, wishing oh-so dearly that my now partner would walk through the hide away doors so they can crack the bottle open.

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