"Get screwed moron"

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—————— 3d person view:

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—————— 3d person view:

As the sun came up y/n awoke softly.

Moving slightly she groined.

"Urrr what time is it" she said half asleep and slumped.

Hearing footsteps to her door it suddenly flew open.

"Y/n dear todays your first day of school! At the U.A school! Come on get up!" Her mom spoke in such a she was not prepared for early in the morning. It was high pitched and had more excitement in her than she did herself.

Glaring at her mother she's tired and got up.

"Moooom. Could you please sound less like a kid that just won a puppy this early in the morning " she said standing there wobbling from tiredness, scratching her hair she moved it out of her face.

Her mother laughed sweetly, giving y/n a big hug she then walked out y/ns room happily smiling.

"Sure sweety! Just get ready okay? Todays a good day!"
Closing the door behind her y/n sighed.

If only she shared the same excitement with her mother for today.

"God im tired" y/n said yawning.

After getting ready putting her U.A uniform on and getting her hair and makeup done she was ready.

Ready to meet a lot of new people and to use her quick.

She'd always wanted to be a hero, looking up to many she knew she had big shoes to fill.

Though, she thought of how her quick worked and didn't think she'd be seen as a hero. Her quicking being dark and gloomy she thought it'd give a back reputation for itself, nonetheless she tried and tried and hoped all her hard work would pay off.

Picking up her bag and walking out her bedroom door she was ready for anything.

"Y/n sweety! Are you ready dear ? "
Her mother shouted from downstairs.

Okay maybe not everything she thought.

As she walked downstairs she notice the smell of fresh baked goods.

Smelling in the aroma she couldn't help but follow where her nose led her.

Looking at the pate before her were all sorts of baked goods.

"Mmm mom? Could I have one please?" She asked smiling slightly. Her stomach rumbling she was definitely hungry.

"Of course y/n"
Her mother replied softly.

As y/n aye a baked good she began wondering how she'd fit into U.A. Would they accept her or not?

Not reasoning the time herself her mother did.

Her mother jumping up from her seat
"Y/n dear you're going to be late if you don't go now!" Her mother startled.

Looking at the time y/n knew she was right, so she got up and readied to go out.

Don't leave - y/n and tokoyami ~Where stories live. Discover now