Did You?

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"Stef, I asked you a question," Lena says as I continue to stare out the window of our SUV as the rain begins to fall heavily outside. I can hear the anger in her voice as I feel my own anger start to surface at what she is asking me.

How could Lena ask me if I would do something like that? Fucking how? Yeah, I was furious with Callie and I wanted to knock fucking sense into her but I'd never order someone to harm her like that. Ever.

"Stef, I'm talking to you. Answer me. Now is not the time to block off." She pushes as I turn to look right into her brown eyes.

"What, Len? What's the point in me answering you since you already decided that I had something to do with it, right? Because it must be me who told Vi to beat Callie's ass. I mean why would it be me, right?" I spit out as she continues to stare hard at me and I see confusion wash over her face. "I mean fuck, maybe it was you Lena."

"Really, Stef? Really?"

"Yeah really. It could have been fucking anyone and let me tell you Violet has a mind of her own. I never needed to tell her what to do or not do. I can't control what the hell she does in jail, but you sitting here assuming that I had something to do with Callie getting her ass beat in Chow and that I ordered someone to do it is fucked up! Yeah, I'm pissed as fuck about what she did and what she has done to us! To our family, to you, and me and her kids! And the fucking harm she has caused! But can you really sit up here and think that I'd stoop that LOW?! I mean shit, Len, you must really think very highly of me!" I shake my head feeling nothing but hurt right now. Nothing but hurt.

"That is not how I feel and not how I see you, Stefanie. I think very highly of you! I think the world of you and you know that! If I didn't you wouldn't be the mother of our son, Noah, and I would not have married you or stayed married to you. But, I also know how protective you are! I know how hard this has been and I know you would do ANYTHING to protect me, our kids, and our grandkids. You are loyal as hell to all of us and this family, Stefanie, and I know it's been hard."

"Yeah well, I thought you knew me better, Lena. You know damn well how I feel about Callie! I'm not the person I was, 16 or even ten years ago. And it's hurtful as FUCK for you to still think I'd have someone beat her ass like that and have her end up in county!"

"Stef! I know how protective you are and I know the lengths you would go to protect us! I know you have felt helpless in all of this!"

"Yeah, I feel fucking helpless!! Of course, I fucking do! That I can't protect my family the way I want to! BUT I don't live that life anymore LENA! My life is you and my life is being Yaya! That's my life! And YOU should know that! Did I fucking see Violet, YES! But, it wasn't to tell her to kick Callie's ass!" I spill out now as her eyes grow dark and harsh for I didn't mean to spill that part out but I did. I did and the look on her face said it all.

"Wait! Wait, hold on a damn minute! Back the hell up, Stefanie. Did YOU just say you went to Chow to see Violet? Am I hearing that right!" She yells as I look right into her angry eyes. "Did you say that? When? When in the hell did you go to Chowchilla to see her and WHY!"

"I didn't call any fucking hit out on our daughter, LENA! I did NOT!!"

"That is NOT what I'm asking you right now, Stefanie Marie Adams Foster. I am asking you why you went to see her and to Chow! You have NO business going up there! NONE AT ALL! Much less to see HER! God! I am so livid with you! I am beyond livid with you for the things you do sometimes. And you think I can go teach eight hours away? No way! I am glad I turned that damn job down since you are hell-bent on making poor decisions!"

"Excuse me? What the hell do you mean you turned the job down? When! When the hell did you turn it down?! That's not what WE decided!"

"It doesn't matter when I am not going and this is a perfect example of why because if you're doing shit like this even when I'm here I don't want to imagine what you would do if I wasn't Stef." She snaps back, continuing to glare hard at me.

"That is a fucked up thing to say, Lena! That is beyond a fucked up thing to say. So what you have to babysit me or some shit! HUH?? Because according to you I don't act right and you were sitting here for god knows how long letting me think you were going to teach at that college!"

"I never said YES. NOT ONE TIME. I said I would think!"

"Oh no, oh no lady! That is not what you said. NOT at all! You know you got a lot of nerve and yet you're angry with me for not telling you I went to Chow."

"Do NOT turn this around, Stefanie! DO NOT!! This is NOT EVEN the same thing!"

"STOP FUCKING CALLING ME THAT! YOU know I fucking hate it when we fight! YOU KNOW IT! " I yell back at her as her eyes grow even darker and more cold.

"I will call you what your name is!! I WILL CALL YOU Stefanie any minute of the fucking day! And you have ROYALLY made me angry. I did not go behind YOUR back and visit some EX in jail! What is it with you and these ex-girlfriends? HUH!"

"OH for fuck sake, Lena! It wasn't even like that! What? You think I have feelings for her or what? HUH? Or what I'm restarting the Lion's Den with her help and giving her orders. Gee, I mean with all my free time and you wanting to know everything I do and where I go down to me taking a piss how could I even do that!" I scream knowing I'm being an asshole now as her face grows even angrier. "You accuse me of having these things with my ex's yet I married YOU! It's you I married the last time I checked!"

"You do have a thing for your ex's! You still did for Tula so don't fucking tell me you didn't." She says with so much anger in her voice as I look right at her and I'm so pissed that I may throw something in this car.

"You know what, fuck it. Go on and think what you want to think about me, Lena! GO ON! Yeah, maybe I will restart the Lion's Den. Maybe I already have Violet's help! Maybe I'll recruit Tracey again and have her start it up with me on the outside! Sounds like me right? So you go on and think whatever the HELL YOU want about me. I"ll fucking find my way home!" I yell pushing the door open and not caring that it is pouring fucking rain outside.

"You can't walk home in this rain! It's a half-hour drive, STEF! I'm pissed at you, but I won't have you walk home! So get in the car!"

"NOT A CHANCE! Enjoy the ride home!" I yell, slamming the door and storming off in the rain as I hear Lena yell after me. I know she's gotten in the car now to catch up but I see a bus pull up at the corner and I quickly get on, not having any idea where the fuck I'm going.


YIKES! That did not go over well at all! On both sides! I wonder where Stef will go?

The Fight for Faith (Hard Time Series Book 6)Where stories live. Discover now