Chapter 3: Divided worlds

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[Abandoned base]

3rd P.O.V.

Cleveland woke up on the old dormitory double platform bed, Y/N being under her. Cleveland wakes her up and the two board her ship, since it has a kitchen and a wholesome of food stock. Cleveland thought of going back to Azur Lane, so after eating breakfast, both of you head towards the base. 

Suddenly, a fog zone appears in front of you two and the mist prevents Y/N from going in a straight line, since she turns around to see anything. Y/N and Cleveland were lost in the fog. It was getting even more thick and Y/N asked Cleveland to stay in the detection range, but before she knew it, Cleveland was already gone... [Ominous scary background music] Y/N tried everything, from enhanced hydroacoustic search to Radar Spotter Reconnaissance aircraft, but the mist seemed to jam the electronics. Y/N wandered around, aimlessly, hoping for a sight of clear horizon. After a few minutes, the fog seemed to clear up. She scanned her surroundings and found a nearby base. Then, she decided to dock there and wait for Cleveland to find her. She prayed she'd be safe. 

As Y/N approached, she saw the base was extremely far from where she looked at it, but it was in fact a massive harbor floating floating cities to water roads. The base looked like the Sakura Empire docks, but had an Eagle Union build style. As she docked, Y/N saw multiple people walking around the platforms, chatting with one another. She just saw some young girls of her height, all wearing the same uniform per group. What was strange, was that she recognized none of them (ok that's not strange).

Take 2

What was strange, was that they were all alike, and that much girls also meant more ships at the docks, but only a few were, such as the Harekaze, the Isokaze, the Kii, the Hiei, the Yamato and the Musashi. There were girls everywhere, just that she thought 6 ships were equivalent to a thousand girls. One girl impersonates one ship, that's the rule, but this place seems to defy those rules. Y/N saw a group of two girls walking near her and Y/N waved and called out at them after transforming back to the human state. 

???1: "Uhh... Hello, what do you need?"

Y/N: "Uhm, girls, can I know which port I am in?"

???2: "You're currently in the Japanese Warship Official Academy's port, miss."

Y/N: "What? I don't remember a port named like this... I better go find the Azur Lane base before I get into trouble!"

???1: "The Azur... what base? I don't know that base, but it sounds funny!"

Y/N: "You don't know? It's just a normal base where we girls do their everyday stuff at the port..."

???2: "Seems pretty normal to me!"

???1: "I also didn't notice that ship over there. That mega big one with a flight deck."

???2: "Yeah me too"

Y/N: "About that, don't you girls all have your own ship? Where are they anyway?"

???1: "..."

???2: "..."

Y/N: "Hmm... Not shipgirls... Maybe I should hide the fact that I am a shipgirl"

[Random anime girl sounds]

Y/N: "Nothing, really nothing"

Both: "Eh, okay"

Friend 1 (No current name): "The situation here is getting weirder and weirder"

Y/N: "I think I am an intruder here... And that was all because of that fog. What should I call it? the Portal Fog? I am totally not in the Azur Lane world anymore! Like, this isn't naturally possible?!"

[UNDER REVISE] Azur Lane: A Royal BattlecarrierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora