Part 1: The Storm

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It all had begun during a live event...(kind of)...
Kiyoshi wanted to see this event because there would be all sorts of fireworks that night."MOM! DAD! CAN I ASK YOU SOMETHING!" Exclaimed Kiyoshi, being as energentic as a puppy with the zummies. She was bouncing up and down off the walls like a kid boncing a bouncy ball once and it went horribly wrong."Darling Kiyoshi, what is so important that you're bouncing off the walls?" Questioned their mother,"mother, father, may I go to the firework show tonight?" Replied Kiyoshi, having a puppy dog look in her eyes. I just stared at the whole entire sence going on."Well, um..." Mother was hesatint, but father wasn't,"の きよし(no kiyoshi)." Said father,well that was a harsh kind of attitude, I then thought,"ファてぇ い ワン と 五 と てぇ フィレをrk 処.(father i want to go to the firework show)." Cried Kiyoshi, one single tear down her eye. You knew there was drama being stirred if someone started to speak in japanese. It was common for drama to be made in Japanese. You see, japanese is our first language, our second, english. So everybody in the town knew both english and japanese fluently. I loved drama, kind of. Depends on what the drama is,"名字 フィナ あんすぇ い の ソ 五 と 用 ロオ ノウハウ(my final answer is no so go to your room now)." Father then replied, anger within his eyes. He didn't like fireworks for some reason. He never told us the reason though, it was strange. I always wondered why he never told us,"部 い ワン と レアっ ってェアせ(but i really want to go please)." Kiyoshi did this every year to trick our parents, I never knew her intentions but it was anual. Soooo,"きよしこの夜 ロオ の あん い ヲン 差 い あがいんステーション(kiyoshi room now and i wont say it again)!" It was on, the fire was lit in his eyes,"部(but)..." Kiyoshi tried to say steadily, but father wasn't having any of it."の(NOW)!" She ran up the stairs and went to her room. Luckily, she had a balcony next to her room, so she could go on and off the flat roof we had up-top our house whenever she wanted to. So she was still able to watch the firework show that night.

Mother and father had to do errands the next day. They said they had to buy some esentials from the markets all the way over to the next village south of them. It was the Qitutaze(quit-u-ta-zay)village. They always had market day on sundays all that day. It was always a 3 hour walk to and back. They knew the route to both villages front and back, but what they didn't know was the upcoming storm."Childern, we're going to the markets!" Mother yelled,"we'll be back soon." Added father.Didn't they read the news articles? It said on the cover of the article that there will be a storm between the Jaiko village and the Qitutaze village. I then wondered. Then a moment later I heard the door close with this hideous creaking noise. CRRREEEEEEEAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK............, our house has always had a problem with the door. It was and still is, unfixable. If I tried to fix it, broken. If a pro tried to fix it, broken. Nobody can fix our house door with it's annoying creaks. It was unfixable, like our parents upcoming deaths. Kiyoshi didn't know about any of the storm bit, altough, she is 10 years old. I honestly don't know any 10 year old that reads news articles. I on the other hand, I am 13 years old. I am responsible for reading at least the top/head article on the front of the page. I would've told my parents about the upcoming storm that's coming.... RIGHT NOW?! I was shocked out of my mind. I would've told them if they weren't in such a hurry to leave the house in(litterally)1 second. I had no time, and I couldn't go after them, because then. Who is going to take care of Kiyoshi? I would never let a stranger take care of her. But then, I heard the storm, it was a BIG one too. It was then that I realized the sounds of 2 adults screaming at the tops of their lungs, those screams sounded of my parents. 1 mintue  later, I heard the screams of the adults, that sounded like my parents, and probaly were my parents, stopped. It hit me at that moment, they're dead. Our parents were deceased. I went to bed early that night, earlyer than usaul on a sunday night. And I knew I didn't have school in the mourning, but I still slept and woke up at a decent time.

Today is monday. My sister has school today, 8:30 am - 2:30 pm. about 6 hour period, my school was 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, a 5 hour period. I didn't have to go to school today. I got suspended for 3 days because I accidentally forgot to wear my school uniform because I was up all that night studying. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK."Hello? Anyone home?" A mysterious voice then said from the distance. I answered the door. And there he was."Hello sir, are you Miko-""Yes." I then cut him off."Well, Miko. Your parents died in the storm last night. Sorry for your loss." The guy sounded sadder than me, and my parents died yesterday. He then left soon after that, but he left the front door open."HEY! Next time, close the door!" I then yelled, I think the WHOLE village heard me from miles away. People from the village started to look at me with differnt expressions. I slammed the front door after that. I proceeded to take a nap after, well, you know. I woke up shortly after, I went to check the time."3:00! OH NO!" I ran down the stairs and raced to Kiyoshi's school. I was late for pick up."When is Miko coming? I want him." My sister said, she looked sad, like a dying flower in a garden of thriving flowers."Don't worry Kiyoshi, I'm sure he'll be here soon." It was Ms. Koinama(koi-nah-ma). She was standing next to my sister, trying to comfort her."Hi Ms. Koinama, hi Kiyoshi. Sorry I'm late for pick up. I had a long nap this mourning," I replied. Ms. Koinama understood my situation."Miko, I wanna go home." Kiyoshi was pulling on my shirt, I found it annoying, but I stuck through it and dragged her home. And I'm not joking around, I kid you not, everybody was just starring at us weirdly. It was probaly because I was dragging her around. I was so embarrassed. We got home and relaxed in our tiny living room."Miko.""Yes." I said," how come mom and dad aren't home?" I tried to think of an excuse a 10 year old like Kiyoshi could belivie."Mom and dad are staying in the Qitutaze village for some time." I answered."But why? If they're staying with them, how come they didn't take us?" If you ever talked with my sister, you knew she asked difficult questions."Well, Kiyoshi," I stuttered,"they went on a buisness trip for they're work, and they didn't want us to get in the way of they're work." She sat there, starring at me."Well, that makes sense, otay." She replied. Kiyoshi had an interesting way of saying okay. Instead of saying okay, she said otay for some weird reason. I found it funny when she said it.

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