The end of Innocence

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The time by for Alex to go to work and he decided to bring Alex with him Andrew, a phone, a flashlight and the keys of his house.
They have arrived the place looking quiet and it was 9 pm. On the door it was saying "The keys are inside and the door is unlocked". Strange.. why would a person leave a restaurant door unlocked? They might rob the place. But as he walked into that door everything looked creepy and really quiet.
Heart greated him by saying "Hello Alex, you are our nightguard now. Go towards your Office and pick up the phone" as a phone started ringing when he started talking. Alex got freaked out but Andrew was excited to go so they went ahead towards the office. The phone was still ringing so Alex picked up the phone and it has said " Hello Alex this is a voice-mail from Candice your Manager. If you picked up the phone Thank you for listening to Heart. As you can see there's a sheet with lyrics and what band you have to practice that's your extra job before your actual shift. The keys are on the top shelf and have a great night at your 1st night " and it hung  up.
Alex has took the keys and the sheet and said "Main band? What is that thing" and Tommy heard that so he shouted "Right here fellow human!"
As soon as they walked up the stage at the cafeteria the animatronics have said that they have a show tomorrow that it had to be done so Alex has started to practice them until it turned 11:45 pm "Oh well we are done from now and I think you guys have to go to sleep so, nighty night!" Alex has said, Andrew and Alex went towards the office ready for the shift to start at 12 am.

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