Chapter 9

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Matthew was confused. Why had everyone been acting so strange? Why did his brother distance himself from the others so much? The brothers rarely talked, which was slowly becoming a problem. He knew that his brother struggled with his feelings, he only wanted to help him to be able to return things back to normal. After all, they had a band to run, all four of them, together. He wanted everything to return to normal. But how?

"Hey, boys, can we talk for a bit?" Matthew cautiously asked Falk and Attila, who were sitting on the couch, talking.
"Sure. What's the matter?" Attila answered.
"This can't continue like this. I don't know how to talk to my brother anymore." Matthew said, the sadness in his voice imminent.
"He said that he knows that he needs to get over his feelings and that he didn't want to break us apart, yeah. But now things have got even worse." Falk explained, "Maybe I should talk to him..."
"Yeah, maybe..." Matthew adds, "Maybe you can help him."
"I don't want to be the reason why this isn't working out. I feel like the culprit here." Attila looked saddened.
"This is not at all your fault, Attila, you can't control another persons feelings." Falk advised, "This is Charlie's own inner conflict that only he can solve. We can only help him."
"We need to figure out something. I want my brother to be happy around you guys again, and not awkwardly avoiding any social interactions. We need to work together as a group because that our job." 
"I'll go and talk to him right now." Falk said, getting up and walking towards the brothers' room.

"You know, I've talked with Falk about this. At this point I feel like our relationship is the problem. I think that is what is making Charly so miserable and I am not  ready to loose my friends over love. Both are equally important to me and over the past months, you guys have showed me what a real friendship is and for me, and I wouldn't be able to live without this friendship." Attila explains, looking at Matthew. 
"I don't want to loose this either. I dont want to interfere with what you and Falk have, at all, but I find your self-sacrifial reasoning incredible." Matthew answered, nodding.
"As of right now, this friendship as a group, as a band, that we are trying to fix, is for me, more important than a short-term relationship with someome I've met a couple months ago. You guys have become my family eversince I moved here. I don't want to go back to Romania. I want to keep our friendship alive, even if that means that I choose friendship over romance."
"Wow...", Matthew seemed startled, "I didn't expect that from you, to be honest..." 

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