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Slightly Edited


"Alright, that is it for this meeting; please take care, everyone," Mr

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"Alright, that is it for this meeting; please take care, everyone," Mr. Sanders dismissed.

I quickly stood up, ready to leave this hell of a building. I love the job, but I hate the people in it. Except for Tommy and Sanders.

Those are my two favorite people here.

Everybody else can suck my fat juicy pussy, for all I care.

"McCoy, wait up a second, will ya?" Sanders shouted.

I halted in my movements, watching as a few of my other colleagues-women, to be specific-looked back and glared at me.

Finally, after everyone exited the room, I walked over to him.

"Everything alright?" I ask. He nodded, leaning over towards me.

"Be ready at 8; we have to fly to New Jersey. Tommy got Aldamar's and Don Armellio's location." He whispered, his minty breath fanning my cheek.

Panties. Soaked.

But hey, at least his breath ain't stanky.

I nod, sweat beads starting to form as he stared into my eyes. "Is that all, Sanders?"

"Yeah, see you later."

I watched as he turned, grabbing his stuff and making his way out the door, not before flashing me a sexy ass grin.

Ooh, that man is too fine.

Seeing him gone, I released a breath. That man is something else.


I jumped as my phone started ringing, looking over the contact, I saw Richard's name flash across the screen.

A smile made its way across my face as I answered the phone.

R: 'Good afternoon, Love.'

I blushed, although I secretly kinda hate that nickname, I can't help but get butterflies as he calls me it.

S: 'Hey, whatchu doin'?

R: 'Nothin', just casually sitting in ya house waiting for you to come home so we can fu- I mean cuddle.'

I know this wigga did not.

S: 'Richie, you not slick, and anyway, I can't hang out tonight; gotta business meeting out of state at 8.'

I heard him smack his lips, mumbling a few words to himself.

R: 'Aight man, you at least coming home though right?'

I roll my eyes. Now, his ass gotta attitude.

S: 'Of course Ima come home; I gotta pack. Whatchu think Ima just leave outta state for however long without bringing clothes?'

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