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The young girl giggled in delight as her feet led her deeper into the forest, leaves and twigs crunching unpleasantly beneath her shoes. She periodically glanced over her shoulder with a conspirative twinkle in her eye, searching for her secret lover. Her mother would kill her if she found out she'd snuck out to meet with a boy — much less a vampire. Her lips curled upwards in mirth at the thought of him. In the blink of an eye, her back was slammed against a tree. A gust of wind left her body, and her mouth parted in surprise, only to soon settle into annoyance.

"Was that necessary, my Lord?" Brown orbs narrowed at the handsome face that stood before her. Her annoyance quickly dissipated into fondness as he bent down to place a chaste kiss on her forehead.

A devilish grin slid across his lips as he stared at the witch. "Of course, darling. How else am I to get your attention?"

"You could've just called my name. I was looking for you, my Lord."

"I saw you. But where's the fun in that?" The man whispered, their breaths mingling together as he slowly lowered his face toward hers. "And I believe I told you to call me by my name."

"But my Lord—"

"My real name, Editha." The man peppered her face with kisses. "My Lord is reserved for commoners. You're nothing of the sort."

The witch's eyes shut happily as she relished in the feeling. "What am I going to do with you, Kol? We have to be quick..." Editha murmured in between kisses. "If my mother catches wind of us...if Henry—"

"Do not dare utter his name," Kol's eyes darkened. "You and I are the only people who matter right now."

"We have to be realistic. We have gotten away with this affair for seasons by the grace of God. But I am to be wed soon. Henry will have me burned at stake if he is to find us."

"I will never let anyone harm you."


"I alone will deal with the consequences." Kol insisted. "Enough worrying. It is time for us to use our lips for other activities."

Indigo shot upwards, sweat pooling on her forehead as she panted. She reached up to grab her stomach, her heart beating erratically. She could still feel everything the woman — Editha — could, and she took deep breaths to ease the consuming emotions. Indi slowly eased out of bed, stumbling into the bathroom that connected her and Bonnie's rooms.

She turned the sink on, splashing cold water on her face in attempt to calm herself down. Indigo looked up at her reflection in the mirror, taking in her features contemplatively. She couldn't believe how similar she looked to Editha. They weren't identical — Editha was taller, with a beauty mark underneath her left eyebrow and considerably curlier hair. But they shared the same Cupid's bow lips and eye shape, and were both the color of milk chocolate. It was nice to know at least one other person in her family shared the same complexion as her. It made her feel like less of an outsider.

Indigo glanced towards Bonnie's closed door as she felt the presence of someone else in the house. Figuring it was just Bonnie waking up, she moved the lock the door. She didn't feel like fighting with her cousin over the shower again. The witch turned on the shower, her joints practically screaming in relief at the sound of the water rushing. She tried to clear her mind as she stood underneath the spraying hot water, but every time she closed her eyes, she only saw Editha.

It was kind of mind-blowing that she'd risked her potential marriage to sneak around with a vampire. Indi wondered if that was how she met her tragic end. Had Henry found out and had her killed? Or was she forced to flee back to Mystic Falls? Indigo couldn't say she blamed her much for risking everything for the man — he was handsome, with long, dark hair and captivating dark eyes. As crazy as it sounded, he reminded her of Elijah.

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