I Knew

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When your sitting in your car, windows down, hair flapping in the wind, and a song you've never heard before starts playing on the radio you can tell whether or not it's going to be your next favorite. By the second verse you've either memorized the chorus or changed the station. You don't need to hear much to picture your self singing this song in the shower. You heard the first couple beats and your jamming out. The drums and guitar sync up perfectly and give you a warm excited feeling. The piano and bass give you a melodic hip like feel. And the vocals, which consist of beautiful harmonizing, have such an unforgettable meaning. You can't keep the song out of your head and it's only the first time you've heard it. When I first met you I knew I would never be able to get you to leave my mind. Your big dark eyes keep me mesmerized. Your perfect pearly smile leaves me breathless. And your comforting embrace makes me weak. Your every move is perfect. You make me melt I swear. There so much to you. Your lyrics are long and meaningful. And I'm just completely in awe of you. I knew when you first spoke to me that you were the one I'd swoon over. I knew I'd await your text. I knew I'd wanna be with you every second of every day. I knew you'd bring me to my knees. Your like that song on the radio except for 100 times better.

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