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I've seen you before
Those eyes
That smile
I know you from somewhere
I look at you and see myself
Except I like what I see
I see beauty,
What am I feeling?
What is this?
It's unfamiliar,
We're the same
And that's the problem
It's not natural
Then why do I want it so bad?
Why do I want her so bad?
If it's "so wrong" then why does it feel so good
But it doesn't feel good
Not all the time
When I don't talk to her
I crave her
I'm in need of her
But when I do
I feel guilty and dirty
I feel wrong,
But her smile
Her touch
I want her so bad
I need her
She makes me smile
She makes me laugh
She makes me happy
Ah happy
I haven't felt joy
Real, true, genuine joy
In so long
She's my light
My happiness
And being without her kills me
I can't deny it any longer
I'm falling in love with her
Hard and fast
Deep and true
And I honestly have no clue what to do
But all I know is she is the most astonishing person I've ever met
And no matter how wrong it feels
I will never stop wanting, craving, her no matter what

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