 Chapter Seven 

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The sky exploded with a loud boom and Armada raised her head at the sudden noise. Her eyes widened as she saw what looked to be another pod crashing through the clouds and into the forest with a loud metal clang.

She held her breathe as the ground beneath her feet rumbled and stilled. Birds flew in every direction as they cried in fright and three deer ran right past her.
If she hadn't been so caught off guard, she would've threw her knife into one of their necks.

"Holy shit."
She finally exhaled.
Armada had to walk a mile or two to reach the pod to see it was much larger than the one the elect arrived in. It was a drop ship.

There were people running around, making way too much noise for her comfort. She looked closer to see that they were teenagers. Children.
As they ventured through the woods, she climbed a tree to stay hidden and watch a small group of them depart from the rest and carry on further and further away.

They carried on in the general direction of her pod and felt her heart thud in her chest. The door was down.
If they found it, they would surely go through it.

She growled in frustration as she made her way from branch to branch as she'd learned with skill. Some tree were too far apart to do this with but the trees in this area were bloomed and close together.

As they got closer and closer to her pod, she debated on presenting herself and drawing them away or going past them to beat them there and close the door with her inside.
Neither option was preferred.

Luckily, they started veering away from the field she'd called home for a year and a half.
One of the boys, the one they called Finn, seemed to have notice the pod bug he didn't say anything to the group, which made Armada curious.

Once they were far enough away, she climbed down the tree and made her way back to her home - making sure no one saw and no one was following.
When she was inside and the door was closed, she let out a breathe of relief.

She scrounged around to put everything important in a safe place for fear that they might find their way there when she wasn't.
Armada debated on going after the group to warn them about the strangers.
To ask them why the hell they were here.

All she could do was stare at the picture with five smiling 20 year olds that was stuck to the wall above her bed by tree sap.
"What the hell do I do?" She asked no one. She asked them. "Why the hell did the Ark send teenagers?"

Should I help them at all?
Would it make me a bad person to value the fact that I didn't have to talk about everything I've went through?
And what the hell was with the bracelets?
Couldn't of been fashion - unless it's gotten that bad without me...

They went in the opposite direction of the strangers camp so surely they'd be fine until I find them tomorrow.
It's almost dark.
They'll have to wait.

The Elect § Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now