Chapter 2

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Alastor was in his own room, putting on something when he heard someone walk into the room next to his. Lucifer had picked the room right next to Alastor's, and not wanting to have to hear Lucifer's voice, Alastor walked to his room and knocked on the door.

"May I come in?"

"Fine, be quick about it..."
Alastor heard Lucifer's muffled voice through the door, and he tried the handle, but it was locked. Annoyed, he tried it again, only for the door to swing open.

"Finally, now, I just have one request for you. May you please keep the noise down? I need my rest."

"But I wasn't even-"

"See? You're too loud. I need you to keep it down."
Alastor interrupted the king, knowing it would make him upset once again. He turned tail and walked away as Lucifer's door closed, but as he made it back to his room, the image of the king wouldn't leave his mind.

You see, even if he didn't finish changing all the way, Lucifer still took off his vest and unbuttoned his shirt, which was hard for Alastor to ignore. He wanted to see it again, Lucifer, as he means, wanting to see Lucifer like that again.

So, he quickly teleported into his room as Lucifer was changing. Sure, it was creepy, but that didn't occur to Alastor in the moment. At some point, Lucifer started looking around. The radio demon got nervous, but he didn't look under bed, which is where the demon was hiding.

A few hours later

Once Alastor was sure Lucifer was asleep, he got up from under the bed and looked around the dark room, spotting Lucifer's hat and staff leaning on a nightstand. The radio demon picked up his hat and put it on.

"Hi, I'm Lucifer. I'm the king of hell. I like bothering my daughter."
Alastor started mimicking the kings voice poorly and acting it out. But he was silenced when Lucifer moved on his bed, turning on his back.

Alastor panicked slightly, but he saw Lucifer was asleep, relief flowed through him. He then took off the kings hat and went over to Lucifer, leaning over him. He looked surprisingly cute like that, and Alastor held out a hand and gently touched the kings face, all the while confused on why he was feeling like this.

"What am I doing?"
The sudden realization snapped into Alastor, taking a step back and quickly rushing out a door. He covered him mouth on the way, his cheeks red from embarrassment.

Alastor made it back to his room, taking a seat on his bed and looking over the shirt he had taken from Lucifer, the one he wore all the time. He was going to notice it was missing, but for the time being, he wouldn't mind if the radio demon kept it for a few minutes. He would return it in the morning anyway.

Alastor turned off his lights and got into bed, holding the vest in his arms, in hopes it would help with his feelings, and he would forget this ever happened. But it clearly didn't. As the radio demon was falling asleep, he found himself grabbing at the shirt. enjoying sleeping with it.

In the morning

Lucifer woke up pretty early. The sun wasn't out yet, and the clock said it was 4am, but he got out of bed anyway. But as he was getting dressed, he couldn't find his undershirt anywhere.

"The hell?"
Lucifer looked everywhere, under his bed, in his closet. Even in his sheets, it wasn't anywhere. He was understandably annoyed, so he just put on the rest of his clothes and left his room to the kitchen, hoping to find Charlie and ask for another shirt.

Alastor, Charlie, and Vaggie were awake, Alastor was sipping coffee when Lucifer came down, almost making him spit out his drink. Lucifer didn't bother to button his shirt, and it was distracting Alastor more than he liked.

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