Chapter 3

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Lucifer was saying goodbye to Charlie when Alastor teleported behind him.

"All ready to leave your highness?"

Lucifer rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Yeah, whatever."

Lucifer walked out the front door with Alastor following, stopping a few feet away from the door, Alastor was confused.

"Are we going?"

"Alastor, what's your opinion on flying?"

Lucifer responded, turning around just enough to look at Alastor.

"I mean, I would prefer to stay on the ground, but flying would be beneficial to-"

Alastor was interrupted when Lucifer walked up to him and held him bridal style, then opened his wings and flying up into the sky.

"Hold on!"

Lucifer said, flying through the sky. The king wasn't really paying attention to Alastor, who was holding onto him for dear life. (haha)

After a bit of flying, Lucifer landed on the ground, putting Alastor down and putting his wings away.

"Your Majesty, warn me next time you're going to do that!"

Alastor said, holding his chest and straightening himself up, Lucifer having a carefree look on his face.

They were now both on the south of the pentagram, chaos left and right, a dangerous place for sure, but Lucifer walked through the streets. They both walk down a street, Alastor looking around, he's never really been here before, to messy for him, but it looks interesting for him.

Lucifer and Alastor make it to their destination. The place looked like an office. As Lucifer walked up to the front desk and talked to the person behind it, someone walked into the lobby looking pretty suspicious, eyeing the place and keeping his head down. Alastor noticed this, making a mental note as he looked back at the king.

Lucifer finds the room the person he's meeting with and leans up, fixing his bow tie.

"Alright Alastor, we got the room, so let's go."

Alastor nods and brings the cane further into his hand. Walking with the short king. Alastor kept thinking about that shady man, wondering why he was acting like that. When they got to the room, no one was in there.

"That's odd."

Alastor remarks, hearing the door close behind him as Lucifer looked around, moving behind the desk and inspecting it. As Lucifer was looking around the desk, becoming nosy and looking through the drawers, he noticed a small disk, with a flashing red light.


"Yes Lucifer?"

Alastor asks, walking over to him and looking in the drawer.

"What's this?"

Lucifer asked, pointing to the disk as the flashing gets faster. Alastor immediately recognized it as a bomb.

Alastor quickly grabs Lucifer's arm and drags him away from the desk, they were just about  to make it to the door when the bomb went off, exploding behind them and flying the desk towards them. Lucifer quickly moves Alastor behind him, shielding him from the blast as one of the chairs flies into him, the desk landing in front of the door and some binders and drawers hitting Alastor in the head.

Lucifer was on the ground, the chair that slammed into him causing him to fall onto the wall, then the desk slammed into him. The king cried out, the impact breaking his arm and leg, still being pinned to the wall and trapped by the desk.

Alastor was on the ground as well, holding his head as it bleeds from the impact of the drawers hitting his head, leaving him with an awful headache. Alastor got up slowly, his head pounding.

"What just happened..."

Alastor mumbles out, taking a seat on the floor and starting to heal himself when he hears soft groaning, he had completely forgot about Lucifer.

Lucifer was still trapped under the desk, pinned to the floor as his arm is stuck under it, bleeding badly. He can't even think about his leg. He couldn't pry the desk off of him with one arm and he couldn't use his powers, they were busy trying to heal himself.

"Need help there?"

Alastor asks teasingly, rubbing his head.

"Please, I can't get this thing off of me..."

"Mmh, I'll help you if you make a deal with me."

Alastor answers, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Are you kidding? You can't get out either, your teleportion won't work if your healing yourself."

Lucifer asked, anger lasing his tone. He was in pain and didn't want to deal with Alastor's bullshit at the moment.

"I'm not kidding, I'll get that desk off of you if you make a deal with me."

"I'm not doing that..."

Lucifer responded quietly, giving up on prying the desk off of him.

"Fine, good luck then."

Alastor says, amused at the sight of a struggling Lucifer, his mind coming up with many ways to take advantage of his weak state. Lucifer just let's out a breath and rests his head on his healthy arm, now focusing all of his energy into healing himself.

Alastor just leans back against the wall, he wasn't going to back down from his deal, even if it meant staying there for days. It's the sound side, no one bats an eye if an explosion goes off, it's normal, and no one is coming to look for them, since they said they might be gone for a few days.

A few hours later

Lucifer ended up falling asleep, using his energy really drained him, so he's just softly snoring on the ground. Alastor was watching him quietly, his head still pounding but he's trying to ignore it. The sun was starting to go down, no one has really passed by, so Alastor just leans back and rests against some rubble from the explosion, soon falling asleep after making sure Lucifer is asleep.

It's going to be an interesting time for the two of them.

|omg this part is done! It took way to long, sorry about that 😅|

Words: 985

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