Part two: The box of fate

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Our two escapees are now on the run, having escaped from the prison they must now make their way to friendly territory as quick as they can. As they venture deeper into the outside world, they begin to gain an understanding of the extent the war has decimated the land and harmed the people living there. Our story picks up with Eira waking from a deep sleep beneath a tree.

Eira stirred, she sat up and rubbed her eyes. The early morning sun shone down on her through the gaps in the leaves. Somewhere up above her a bird sang a song as if greeting the morning. Eira surveyed her surroundings, she found herself in a small clearing beneath a great tree. A great forest surrounded her, a deer watched her from behind a tree trunk before disappearing into the thicket. Eira stood, stretching her aching muscles. Beneath her feet was a soft green moss, small yellow flowers bloomed in spots, the air was sweet and rich. 

"Lena!" Eira called out, searching for any sign of her companion.

No words came back, only the sound of a morning brimming with life. Eira continued to call out, in search of Lena. Eira walked further into the forest, the shade a welcome comfort, all manner of scents wafted through the air. It all culminated in a moist and rich earthy smell. The sound of a river came from her right, with a small footpath running down towards it. She turned down the footpath, calling out for Lena. A faint answer came from near the river. Eira began to pick up the pace, calling out, the answers became louder as she drew closer to the river. As she walked onto the sandy riverbank, she spotted Lena standing with her feet in the water. Lena waved to Eira, another of her characteristic grins spread across her face. Eira walked to the water's edge and with some encouragement from Lena dipped her feet in. The water was cool, soothing, the dirt from the escape washed away and with it Eira felt a relaxed feeling wash over her.

After a brief moment Eira asked, "Where to now?"

"Well, definitely downstream," replied Lena as she picked up a stone and tossed it into the river.

"Why downstream?" asked Eira.

"The prison is upstream," said Lena, pointing in a general direction up the river, "To which I do not plan on going back to!"

"Oh, I see. Well, we best get going then," suggested Eira as she got out of the river.

"Agreed," said Lena, deep in thought.

The pair hiked for most of the day, stopping to take breaks, or to swim. The temperature was warm, the breeze light, yet the conversation was minimal. Eira knew Lena was thinking about something, something was bothering her. The two stopped by a bridge, a cart could be heard coming down the track towards them. Sure, enough a wagon drawn by two horses came into view, perched in the driver's seat was a man with long, dirty hair. His friendly face was tanned and had a few wrinkles. He wore a brown tunic, a wide brim hat, and some ancient looking sandals. He appeared to be a farmer on his way back from a market.

He smiled, waved, and said "Where are you two off to?"

Eira and Lena explained their situation, hoping he would have a kind heart and give them directions. Thankfully, he did. The two of them climbed aboard the cart, dangling their feet off the back. The journey was calm with pleasant conversation about the birds of the area, farming techniques, and food. The farmer stopped by a market square just as the sun began to set, the weather was cool and the square alive with activity. Music played from a well-lit stage where a few couples were dancing, and the smell of various food wafted through the air. Colourful lanterns hung across the sky, each shining a beautiful light onto the street.

"The festival of the music, finest display of the year here in Beshe," beamed the farmer his face alight with pride.

"How do we get something to eat... We have no money," said Lena, looking over at Eira.

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