Part three: In darkness, shadows dance

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Eira awoke in a daze, she felt like she had slept for a thousand years. After a good stretch she rolled onto her side and got up from the bed. Walking over to open the window shutters her eyes found a snoring Lena. The window shutters opened with ease, letting in the cool morning air. The town square was empty, save for a few workers putting away the decorations from the previous night. The cobbled streets were damp with morning dew which glistened and sparkled in the rays of light. Eira smiled at the scene before her, they really were free, able to go wherever their hearts desired. Her stomach growled with hunger, demanding food. Eira got dressed before heading downstairs, on her exiting their room she was greeted by a young man. He was tall, dark haired and well-tanned. He wore a blue cloak, black boots, and had a short sword on hit hip. He smiled at her before disappearing into another room. Eira made her way down the stairs, glancing back to see if the mysterious man had returned, he hadn't.

Once downstairs she found no sign of the inn keeper, instead her eyes were greeted by a beautiful display of colourful fruits, cool yogurts, fresh bread, and crunchy grains. A small wooden sign was positioned on the table saying, "Breakfast". Eira shrugged and collected a serving of yogurt, grains, and a pink fruit she did not recognise. The grains were as she had expected, the yogurt was cool, milky, yet sweet, and the fruit had a slightly citrusy tang to it. She liked it.

Eira heard stairs creaking behind her, turning she saw Lena, her hair an utter mess.

"Morning! How'd you sleep?" chirped Eira, handing Lena a bowl.

Lena grunted a reply before scooping a heap of fruits into her bowl. Without saying a word, she downed it all in a few bites before going back for seconds. Eira continued to eat her breakfast. The pair ate in silence, Lena downing three bowls of fruit before stopping.

"So where to today?" said Lena, starting to wake up more.

"Well, wherever we want! We are free to explore the world! Most of it anyway, just not the frontlines or Citadel territory," replied Eira, finishing her breakfast.

"I suppose you're right. Say, what's one thing you've always wanted to do? Maybe we make a list!" suggested a now lively Lena.

"I want to see the Ocean! The Jade Territories don't have any beaches, just lakes and a river or two." Said Eira.

"Well, I want to see the Vultures Pass! Maybe even hike up the tallest mountain there!" said Lena, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

The two further discussed plans and ideas for places they wanted to go, people they wanted to see, and things they wanted to do. The conversation inevitably drifted towards the witches reading of their futures.

"Do you think she really knows what she's talking about?" asked Eira.

"Well, the warrior we met seemed to know and trust her," said Lena.

Eira couldn't refute that, the witch and Maya seemed to know each other quiet well. If they knew each other, perhaps Maya could give them some proper answers, though to find out more they would need to find Maya first. After they packed up and left the inn, the two went to look for any information about where they could go next.

The streets had become busy now, carts rumbled past carrying all sorts of wares and supplies. A symphony of hammers rang through the streets from a construction site. Lena approached a middle-aged leatherworker, with a charismatic twinkle in her eye the two struck up a conversation. Eira looked around, hoping to spot Maya, yet to no avail.

"You wouldn't happen to know where we could find a tall warrior priestess? White hair, green robe, and really athletic," said Lena.

The leatherworker tapped his chin, as he contemplated the question. After a moment he asked, "That wouldn't happen to be one of the Sisters of Battle?"

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