Chapter 2

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Hadley opened his eyes with agonizing slowness, squinting at the unshaded lamp nearby. It made the sun seem pale in comparison with his head throbbing the way it was. His hands were above him, making his wrists ache, and the pain in his head made him have to fight back bile so he didn't throw up.

"I thawt I thaw a putty tat." The mocking voice made Hadley's insides freeze, only his eyes dared to move as he searched the darkness beyond the lamp. And then he saw the vampire.

"I did, I did thee a putty tat!" Finished with his Tweety Bird imitation, the vampire grinned unpleasantly at Hadley. When Hadley tried to move he discovered he was actually chained to a wall and his feet were cuffed together. His shirt and jeans were gone leaving him in only his briefs and not a single weapon in sight. Not even his wand.

"Now then, luv, let's get down to business." the bantering left his tone and his eyes hardened into pools of granite. "Who do you work for?"

Hadley blinked, confused and caught completely off guard it took him a moment to even respond. "I don't work for anyone."

"Bollocks." the vampire bit the word out precisely. Hadley fought the instinctual urge to hunch over to protect his vital organs as the vampire got closer to him. "Who do you work for?"

Hadley's head snapped back as the vampire slapped him. Hadley had been tortured several times, but he had to admit being slapped was a new one, even if it hurt like hell. Hadley lost his diplomacy filter when torture was brought out.

"Go to hell."

Immediately there was a ringing in Hadley's ears as he was hit again, this time he could taste blood from where he bit his tongue.

"Once again, who do you work for?"

Spitting out the blood in his mouth, he growled up at the vampire. "No one, knobhead!"

The vampire blinked in surprise, and then rocked back on his heels and laughed. Regaining his control, he leaned in until his mouth was inches from Hadley's face. Fangs gleamed in the light.

"I know you're lying." His voice was a whisper, a threatening caress against his skin. He lowered his head until his mouth brushed against Hadley's neck. Hadley held himself still, this wasn't the first time he had been threatened, it certainly wouldn't be the last. He was never going to beg.

Cool breath blew against his skin causing goosebumps to rise. "I know you're lying," he repeated. "Because last night I was looking for a bloke. When I spotted him, I saw the same lovely red-haired vixen who'd been rubbing on me leaving with him. I followed, thinking I would sneak up on him while he was occupied. Instead, I watched you plug a stake into his heart, and what a stake!" In front of Hadley's eyes, the vampire dangled his modified stake triumphantly. "Wood on the outside, silver on the inside. Now, that's made in America! Poof, down goes Devon! You didn't even stop there. You plopped him in the trunk of his own car and drove to your truck, where you chopped his bleedin' head off and buried him in pieces. Then you went home whistling a merry tune. How in the bloody hell could you do that, hmm? You don't work for anyone? Then why, when I take a deep whiff here," he put his nose to Hadley's collarbone and inhaled, "-do I smell something other than human? Faint, but unmistakable. Vampire. You've got a boss, you do. Feeds you some of his blood, right? Makes you stronger and faster, but still only human. Us poor vamps never see it coming. All we see is... food."

The vampire slid his finger down Hadley's pulse in his throat, pressing lightly as a threat.

"Now, for the last time before I forget my manners, tell me who your boss is."

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