Chapter15:The one I always wanted

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srry it took me along time because I was doing wrk and hanging out with my mom and my family so here is Chp.15


Jessica Pov

"What's wrong Jessica" Kyle said sitting next to me. "Nuthin. Just a heartbreak." I said trying to hold back tears. That's when I broke down. Great now I'm crying in front of my bestie and my crush. "Wait Andy broke up with you?" Jake asked also sitting next to me and putting a arm around me. All I did was nod. I was so heartbroken like you won't even believe it. The two of them gave me a hug like a group hug and told me everything is gonna be ok when I know everything is not gonna be okay. I just whish the world wasn't so cruel to me. "I gotta go you two." said Kyle getting up. "Okay Kyle." Jake said getting up and giving him a fist bump. "Bai Jessi." Kyle said giving me a kiss on the forehead. So now it is just me and Jake...great. Me and Jake are just talking about random stuff till he kisses me on the lips and well I couldn't resist and so for that I kisses him back and the kiss was getting a lot  a little steamed up so I pulled back needing air and hugged him and he hugged me back. I swear he is the one I always wanted and he will be the only one and no one else.

-Time Skip-

Me and Jake was going through town and enjoying the night. So when we got in his car he pulled out a Mindless Behavior CD. Im not gonna lie but they sing and dance really good. Jake told me to pick a song so I did and it was 'I Love You' by MB. Jake gave me a weird look but jus shrugged it off and played the song. (Play the song) As we sat there listening to the song and singing along I really had the time of my life. As the song ended and we stopped at a red light he kissed me on the lips and he pulled away as soon as the light turned green. I swear I love Jake and only him. I don't think I would survive a world without him because he is my everything.

Okay I am done typing this chapter because I am so tired and sorry for the late update but your gonna have to get used to it but I'll see you later. Bai!!!!!

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