Chp.18:i can never have a normal life

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while and im really sorry so here is chp.18

Kyle's POV

I was walking to Jason's house and I had a strange feeling that i was being watched but oh well. As I was walking there my phone went off and I thought it was Jason but instead I was wrong. "Miss me baby boy?" I started to panic because I knew who exactly who it was. "What do you want Vic?" I asked really scared. Yes it's Vic from PTV and he is so mean and scary. (sorry for all those Vic fans but i needed a bad guy and shout out to emochick321 for this suggestion) "I just want your friend Jessica and you." he said and i could tell he was smirking. "I miss u baby. I miss that sweet body of yours." he said trying to sound caring and loveable for me but all he gonna do is use me and if he gets to Jessica, I know he is just gonna use her too. "Well I sure as hell don't miss u and you won't get me and Jessica." I said and with that i hung up and ran to Jason's house.

Vic's POV (O.O)

Oh I will have my way and he knows it. I got out of my car and started walking up to this guy I know house. He owes me a favor and I'm calling it in. As I walked up to his door and knocked he answered it. "Vic I wasn't expecting you here." he looks at me surprised. "Sorry for not notifying you but I'm calling in that favor you owe me." i said to him in a serious tone. And with that he let me in so we can get down to business.

Jessica's POV

Me and Jake were asleep on the couch until my dad walked in and slammed the door causing both of us to wake up. "What the hell is going on here?!" he asked glaring at me and Jake. Jake didn't have a shirt on and I didn't have no pants on and that was because we spilled syrup on them and i know i could've put on another pair of pants but it was hot in the house. So you people can get yall minds out of the gutter. "Dad its not what it looks like." I said trying to calm him down. i was sleeping on Jake and his arms were were around me but come on, does my dad think i would have sex at a young age. Thank god my mom walked in and told my dad what happened. My mom is more understanding than my dad. Where do you think i get my trust issues from? So when my dad calmed down and went upstairs me and Jake looked at each other and kissed and of course my dad came downstairs and glared at us so me and Jake stopped kissing and sat up but im not moving off is lap. Why can't I have a normal life?

Jason's POV

I was waiting for Kyle to get here and as soon as i turned on my tv I heard a knock on the door so i got up and opened my door to see my love bug standing there out of breath. "Were you running?" I asked pulling him inside and locking the door. He nodded and hugged and kissed me and i smiled. I knew i said i don't date emos and I know i told myself I wasn't gay but their is something about Kyle that i couldn't figure out. i kissed and hugged him back pressing him against the wall. I think me and him gonna have a fun night together.

So there is Chp.18 for u and i will see u guys later >u<

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