[#1] New Horizon

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Welcome, Sinner! To the one last stop of eternity! your soul has been judged, and your punishment is now your unlife! Will you thrive or crumble?

Sanguine concrete, velvette rubble met your eyes. The pavement is cold. You have nothing on you except the things you can feel. Your watch, your little notebook and pen in your pocket, your clothes that are-


Why are they dry? Shouldn't they be-

A flash of blood soaking your polo. The silver blade piercing your gut as you bleed out. The silhouette of.. someone muttering apologies while their hand is on the blade's handle- You can just barely remember where you are. In your office. The same room where you tend to your patients. Where you talk with them. Where you comfort them. Where you teach them.

Now there is nothing but you. And your killer. Sobbing wet apologies as her hands are soaked from your own blood.

"Ugh." You bring yourself to your feet. There is the smell of sulfur and something putrid in the air. No amount of head turning or hand waving could remove that awful stench.

"Where am I?-" your hands feel your chest again. Dry. You pull your collar to look under. All you can see is a nasty scar. You look to your side and you see... your figure.

Slender. Like you always were. Your shirt and tie are a darker color than you remember though, and your hair is as curly as you remember... tied in a low ponytail.

Your skin is an ashy hue. Your fingers are pointier. And your eyes..

They seem to glow amidst the dreary background... a sickening dark purple, giving way to a vibrant pair of pink blue pupils. You don't look human. Not anymore.

"Move it!" A figure screams at you. It had horns, its clothes outdated. Your eyes fixate to the wagon it pushed around. A wagon.. of body parts teared.

It wasn't your first however.

"What happened here?" Your hand seem to find a cane inside its grasp. Its more than familiar! Its your cane! The same elongated beak of a peacock, its head etched perfectly. Where, the eyesockets house wonderful shiny amethysts.

The figure glares up and down at you seemingly surprised at the manifestation of your cane. He has seen this before. Among the overlords and 'blessed' with power. "You new here, it seems." The figures tone changed into a more friendly tone. "Every year- well half a year now- an extermination happens. Angels drop on here and they do some cleanin' if you know what I mean."

"Angels?" You echo, your elegant eyebrow raising an eye.

"You're in hell." The figure says a matter of factly. "As you can see with the big pentagram in the sky." His finger points up, and your eyes follow.

Now, that makes alot more sense now, does it? Especially on why you're in hell.

"I see." Is all that you can say. "Is there any place i can stay?"

"No place is safe here." The figure seem to give you the 'duh' look. No worry. "But there is a place. Though, its filled with locos."

"Care to elaborate?" Your cane hits the ground. It felt natural, the vibration that came with it, and the glow in your eyes along with silvery tone in your voice... It was hypnotizing. It was coaxing.

"Its called the Hazbin..Hotel." the figure seem to fight it but gave in as quickly. "They do redemption. Ran by the princess of Hell and a few others. Sh-"

"Thank you." With the sound of your voice, he seem to quiet down.

"Yeah.. no problem.." the figure's voice seem dazed now.

You give him a shoulder pat, and you go your merry way. Sightseeing won't hurt, right?

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