[#2] Application

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[SHORT A/N: Publish Schedule is once a week, with short chapters.

However if you would like longer ones, Publish schedule would be one every two weeks.  Comment down which od you prefer and I'll go by majority.

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You never really had time to indulge in television. Your work used to keep you occupied, seeing patients at certain intervals of the day, writing letters for referrals, releases and what not. No one said running a Psych Hospital was easy... But it was your choice, wasn't it?  To run such a thing then establish a therapy clinic on the side...  And look at where that got you.

Oh, look at where that got  y o u

Your eyes barely reflect the light shining from the monitor, where a resembling reporter talks  about the current events. A television for a  head.. .How ironic. You seem to acknowledge that you have arrived in such a turbulent time, where things are yet to settle.  The scene of the report shifts and among the crowd, you notice a change of air. The reporter talks about the Hazbin Hotel, redemption and that risky battle. He showed clips too... Flashes of what you could only make out as property destruction and gruesome murder. 

But this redemption idea... It ain't half bad. It sounded crazy. But it just might be something worth the energy. To rehabilitate souls, change the ways of sinners. To... influence the state of a conscious mind for their betterment. 


This is where you can come in. 

You make your merry way, walking the street and meeting gazes. Many of them are curious, others cautious. Yet all holds a certain hostility. It's not hard to understand why. This is Hell. The end of the road. The final  place where people like you go.  But you aren't like these people, are you? You are more than the average sod that made the wrong decision in life. You are more than just the poor chap that got thrown under the bus to die... 

You were so much more than that. 

The doors of the hotel stand before you. It looked new, given how they rebuilt it. It was grandiose, a fitting spectacle for its premise and objective. 

Your hand raised,  forming into a form fist and ready to knock. Just as your  hand comes to  hit onto the door...

It opens.

"We need more services. We can't just throw out these lessons and activities,  Vaggie. May-"

Your eyes meet two ladies.   Both,  you recognize from the News. The Blonde princess of hell and her Angelic companion.

"A visitor!" The blonde speaks.  She's  seem to be excited and pleased. Her other companion, she had this wariness and caution in her eyes. "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel,  How may we help you?"

"I just heard you need more services? Lucky me, I came here to apply."

"Apply for what?" The silver hated lady spoke.

"To offer my services. I'm a licensed Therapist. Well- during my time alive-" 

Vaggie butts in.  "How can we trust that?-"

"Vaggie-" Charlie lets out an akward chuckle. "Well,  since we are in need of  more staff, and this is clearly an application... " she gives you a smile. You return a small one. "We should take this formally inside!"

Vaggie  seems to contemplate in that short moment. Looking at her,  before looking at you. It almost felt like forever... until she finally sighed. "Fine. We need all the help we can get. Hell's in shambles."

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity." You earnestly say with a  smile.

"Thank you for coming! At such a good time too! Please,  come in. We can give you a tour while we discuss your application."

"Sounds like a plan." You nod,  as Vaggie opens the door for you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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