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The next morning I woke up and didn't feel like going to school at all but I did want to see Energy so I hopped up anyway. I brushed my teeth and got dressed I decided to go with a black tight fit graphic tee with blue baggy jeans and sneakers. I walked downstairs and got a snack for the ride to school and walked to see Energy frantically telling me to hurry up. They were wearing a white T with a vintage jacket and skater jeans with white sneakers to match the shirt. They rushed me into the car and started going 15 over the speed limit. I asked them why and they simply asked me "Did you check the time" I realized we were already 15 minutes late for school and we might get marked absent. We arrived at the school and just barely made it into class before our teacher did attendance. We were still marked late but it's still better than our parents thinking we skipped.

During reading we were tasked with making our own short story and we got to work in groups of four. My group consisted of me, Six, Okilios, and Rockey which was pretty lucky since the groups were picked randomly. We made a story called 'Life of a dead man' about a dead person who wandered away from death and became a ghost. We got a 94% which was the second highest in the class. The highest was a random group in the back full of nerds. In science class we had to drop a frog into our quicksand and see how far it sinks. For the people who completed the surgery got their frogs back once we dropped the frogs in my frog only sunk halfway. I pushed it down then pulled it back out and gave him to the teacher. I made a 85% pure quicksand solution. Energy made a 84% pure solution, Zelda, Rockey, and Okilios scored perfect 100's and Arachne, River, and Six scored just above me and Energy with 88's. We went to history to learn about our most recent council members. We had to write a summary of all of the things that have happened during their terms. I was the last one to finish and we didn't get our grades immediately so I was just dreading the grade I got but that would have to wait till tomorrow to find out so I just pushed it to the back of my mind.

After moving through the giant crowd of people that ran out of the school Energy and I got in the car and started driving, while driving Energy started grabbing my hand and driving with their other hand. This shocked me and I was blushing for the rest of the ride. Once they dropped me off we had a pretty long kiss then I said goodbye and walked in the house. Inside I saw my moms watching a movie on the couch. I decided to join and wiggled in between them to prevent what happened at the restaurant and started watching the movie. Eventually when the movie was over my moms told me to wash up and get ready for school tomorrow. After I got out of the shower I watched some episodes of my favorite show before turning it off and falling asleep. The next morning I was woken up at 6 since my mom wanted to do my hair for the Award ceremony I brushed my teeth and washed my face then made my way downstairs I sat down on the chair and my mom started curling my hair and then moved to my bangs once she was done we went upstairs to her room so she could do my makeup.

I pulled out my phone to text the group chat to see if anyone else was up they all responded then I put my phone down. My mom started doing my makeup, after I was all glammed up I put on my uniform with all my Velcro badges and my moms drove me to Energy's house and we waited for them to get ready. She came downstairs with a little makeup on and hair nice and curly they were dressed in their uniform it looked nice and clean on them "You are stunning" I said as they walked toward me in amazement "Likewise" they said as they gave me a hug, Energy and I took their car to meet up with our friends. Our parents would just see us at the ceremony. We arrived at Zelda's house who was all nice and cleaned up "Hey guys we're going to Rivers house next everyone else is there." We drove in Zelda's car since he had enough room for everyone. Everyone was there chatting and was looking very elegant in uniform after we all gave each other compliments. I noticed Arachne and Zelda mostly complimented each other. Once we got there our parents took a bunch of pictures together once we convinced them they had enough pictures we took our seats "I feel very professional" Six said fixing his collar we all chuckled then got quiet for the speech. "We have gathered here today to celebrate a special brand of people that have a brand of courage that the rest of us could never even dream of. These people are a special breed that can never and will never be matched, without further adieu let the ceremony begin." All of our names were called one at a time and the crowd erupted in excitement every time "Six Tymes, Sep Galax, Dres Gull, Zelda Giant, Drep Gull, Energy Daye, Huf Web, Athena Snok, Geia Noble, Arachne Universe, Okilios Neon, Trexel Spiderling, Gade Pan, Eros Edaj, River Agenda, Theseus Raven, Medusa Root, Rockey Stats and last but not least Saturn Goode"

Everyone walked up one by one to get their medals and a handshake. We all walked into that ceremony as soldiers and left as decorated military officers our parents were so proud of us they practically exploded as soon as we walked out of the bleachers. My moms picked me up and swung me around till we all were dizzy I stumbled back to Zelda's car and rested my head against the window until the world stopped spinning. Once we drove off and Arachne asked "You ok" "Yeah just a little dizzy" Energy then got in the car and asked me the same question "You okay" while holding my face and kissing me on the forehead. After Zelda dropped everyone off he pulled up to his place Energy and I got out of his car and into hers and we pulled off. I fell asleep on the way to my house so once we got there Energy woke me up. Once again she waited for me to go inside before driving away. When I walked in I saw that my parents had already framed my medal I looked at it with a smile because that medal showed me I accomplished something extraordinary. I went upstairs to shower and take off all my makeup.

Once I was done I immediately fell asleep I woke up pretty late the next morning because my parents let me sleep in so no school. I brushed my teeth then went back to lay down and watch VT, after awhile I got hungry so I went downstairs to go find something to eat I had a fruit bowl then got dressed to go for a walk. I ended up finding myself at Energy's house (What a coincidence) I knocked on the door surprisingly they answered which was rare "Hey I didn't know you were coming over" "Same" I said, they laughed and let me in they were watching VT in their living room I took my shoes off and joined them the whole day was sluggish we just sat around all day watching VT but that was fine with me because I was with them I'm always happy when I'm with her eventually we dozed off when we woke up Energy's parents were walking "Hey you two" "Hey dad" Energy said getting up from the couch to take a bag out of their dads hand "That's mine" "Not anymore" they responded jokingly as they put the bag on the counter "It's getting late do you want me to give you a ride" Energy asked turning to me "Sure" I said putting my shoes on Energy grabbed their keys and opened the door for me "See you guys" I said to Energy's dads before leaving out. Energy opened my car door then shut it behind me then they got into the car themselves and started it up then pulled off.

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