Chapter 2: The re-sorting

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The next day, Sirius went to classes without James, Remus and Peter and with Barty, Evan and Regulus, sitting next to them. Dumbledore wished to see Sirius in his office. "Yo Padfoot, what do u think Dumbles wants from ya?", Evan yelled to him, from the other side of the table, in which Sirius laughed to himself, making James and Remus jealous. Sirius yelled back to his new bestfriend. "Idk , mate, honestly. Idk what Dumbles wants from me. But whatever it is. He aint gonna get it", Sirius yelled back, making the whole Slytherin table laugh.

After breakfast, Sirius begun to walk off when suddenly a yell stopped him, it was none other then Barty. "Yo Siri, wait up. You seriously aint gonna leave without us?", Barty yelled, making Sirius chuckle. "Hurry up, then, Barty", Sirius yelled back, making his old bestfriends glare at him. Making his new bestfriends laugh so hard. He sounded so british there. Remus sighed, and looked at James and Peter.

Barty looked offended and then Evan and Regulus and Him ran off. Lily looked at Remus, in sadness. "When are you going to confess to him?", She said, making Remus sigh. "I dont know. Everytime i try, those blasted Slytherins' are there with him. Its like i dont even know him anymore", Remus said, sadly. Making everyone in the Marauders upset for him. Remus liked Sirius, everyone knew that. They wanted Remus to date Sirius, and Sirius to like Remus. But they think, that Remus ruined that chance. "Moony, i think youve missed that chance to date him i mean. I mean, did you see how Heartbroken Sirius was when you were yelling at him? I mean, Sirius was never like that with anyone else. It was like... i dont know. He seemed off that day, distant. Its like he likes someone else now. And its not you", Marlene said, making Remus tear up. "I want my pads back", He said, making his friends saddened.

Suddenly, a yell was heard through the hallway. And a fit of screams. It was like, a scream of happiness. Then, Sirius appeared. But this time, his red tie that he was known for was gone. And he appeared with a green tie. "There! The slytherin skittles are complete! Yess", Barty and Evan yelled, getting the whole of Slytherin to cheer. "Wooo Siriuss", Bellatrix yelled, and Narcissa smiled. Everyone in Slytherin cheered in happiness for the former Gryffindor to now be in Slytherin. Sirius himself seemed happy. "Yesss! Lets go! Now, wheres my leather jacket?. Barty?", Sirius said, his french accent coming in. Barty smiled.

And gave it to him, and he looked different. "Yay! Sirius is officially a Slytherin Skittle", Regulus yelled, making his friends yell in delight. Nobody has ever seen a happier Sirius then right now.

Sirius black was a Slytherin!

"Yo Padfoot", a voice yelled out to him in British. Sirius looked behind him to see a familiar Ravenclaw. "Hi Pandora, how are you? I am so happy right now", Sirius said, making his friends smirk. "Can we perhaps talk outside?", Pandora said, grumpily. "Of course", Sirius said. Then they left the room. "Now. Explain.", Pandora yelled at him, but this time, without a heartbreak, Sirius was cold.

"What if i dont want to?", Sirius said, making Pandora shocked. "Sirius, whats happening to you?", Pandora yelled. "Remus is what happened to me... the marauders is what happened to me. Heartbreak and misery is what happened", Sirius yelled back at her. Pandora was shocked. She had never witnessed Sirius black, the cheery popular jock, to be yelling at her.

"Im sure whatever Remus has don-", Pandora said, however was cut off. "Dont ever say that "remus didnt mean what he said"", Sirius yelled. Pandora was shocked. "Until you understand why I stopped talking to the marauders, dont talk to me", Sirius said, angrily. Pandora was shocked. And then they kept their seperate ways, Sirius sitting at his new table. "Siri! I didnt know you were snake in disguise", Bellatrix said, making Sirius chuckle. "Well, well. It seems you dont know much about me do you, Bella?", Sirius said, making Bellatrix laugh.

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