Chapter 3: The 4th year

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Sirius returned for 4th year, and Regulus' 3rd year. He felt different, he loved Barty. Like, properly. He didnt love Remus, at least anymore.

He used to love Remus, like a lot. And, he went to School, his 2nd year in Slytherin. His parents were very accepting of him and Barty, thank goodness. See, his parents didnt care as long as he was happy and the person he was in love with was a pureblood. They didnt care if they were a Boy or a girl. God, just being with a girl made Sirius feel sick.

Sirius walked into the hallways, and saw Barty. He walked towards him and joke-scared him. "Boo!", Sirius scared him, making Barty scared. "Sirius!",Barty yelled, making a certain group of Gryffindors stare at Sirius. "What barty? Its fun", Sirius said, making Barty smile. "It seems it is. Anyways, Pads how was your summer at home?", Barty asked, in which Sirius smiled. "Not too Bad, my mother, suprisingly was very accepting of us. It took some getting used to. However, mother and father were very welcoming, once I told them", Sirius said, making Barty smile. "Same with my parents. They were very supportive. And they really want to meet you. Like really want to. I told them about us. And my mum ligit shouted "i wanna meet your boyfriend!"", Barty said, yelling in his mother's voice, making Sirius laugh. Remus, at the corner of his eyes, saw them and was heartbroken.

"Moony, are you okay?", James asked, quietly. Remus said"im fine, Prongs. Its gonna have to become a while until Sirius and Barty to have to get used to". Lily heard the phrase 'boyfriend'. "Wait what? Sirius is dating Barty?. Crouch jr? As in the Slytherin Prankster, Crouch?", Lily said, making The whole Marauder group look at her.

"Wait, thats Barty? Sirius got the perfect man. But how", Peter said, making Lily smile. "I dont know, but were going to have to bring Sirius and Remus to be friends again", James said, making Lily frown. "James! We cant do that. If Sirius doesnt want to be near us anymore. Thats fine. Matter of fact, its Your fault for believing the rumours. It wasnt even Sirius", Lily said, making James and Remus shocked. "It wasnt Sirius? Then who was it?", Remus said. "It was Barty Crouch Jr who got told by Snape. Then told everyone via a note that was in the sky whilst you were sleeping. I got a copy. Here you go", Lily got her evidence and gave it to Remus, who burst into quiet tears. "And poor Sirius, who was grabbed into something he didnt even do. Remus  you yelled at him for something he didnt even do. James, hell, you disowned him for something he didnt even do. Thats why he returned to the Slytherin skittles. And now, we cant even do anything", Lily finished, in which the marauders were in quiet tears.

James, who was normally brave, was in quiet tears. "We need to talk to him... and fast", James said, making everyone nod. Meanwhile with the Slytherin skittles, Sirius was smirking. "Do you want to repeat of last year, Barty?", Sirius said, making his boyfriend smile. "Yeah... sure", Barty said, making Sirius confused.

Normally, Barty would be happy about this. However, he was saddened. Sirius was going to talk to him. "Barts, whats wrong?", Sirius said, making Barty sigh. "Remember last year? When Lupin and was annoyed at you about something that you didnt do?", Barty said, making Sirius nod, in confusion. "Well, long story short.. i was one who did it. Pads i am so sorry-", Barty said, however was cut off with a kiss. When they pulled away, Sirius replied"babe, i dont care anymore. I dont talk to them anymore".

Barty smiled, and hugged his boyfriend. "I love you, Siri", Barty said, making Sirius smile. "I love you too, Barty", Sirius said, making Barty smile. "I am happy you found me, Barty. look, theres the exact place you found me", Sirius said, making Barty smile.

"So it is", Barty said, making Sirius happy. "Want another kiss?", Sirius said, making Barty smile. "That would be amazing, amour", Barty said, saying 'amour' perfectly. Sirius remembered that he taught barty french. Then, they kissed. They kissed for a long time.

"Awe you remembered French?", Sirius whispered, in his french accent. Barty smiled. "Yes... of course i did. I love you, i remember everything you teach me", Barty said, his face close to Sirius'. Sirius smiled, and then kissed Barty again.

They kissed for a long time, changing Slytherin ties, and then Barty and Sirius walked into Sirius' room, in which Barty kissed Sirius' neck. Sirius moaned really quietly. Barty smirked and then let Sirius kiss his neck too. "I love you, ma chérie Siri", Barty said, whispering very quietly.

Sirius smiled, kissing Barty on the lips. "je t'aime aussi, mon chéri Barty", he whispered back, in french, Barty smirked. And then kissed back, however they kissed for so long. When Barty pulled away, Sirius could hardly breathe. "je suis surpris que tu te souviennes de ce que je t'ai appris, mon amour", he said, to Barty, in which he smiled. "n'importe quoi pour toi, mon futur mari", Barty replied, making Sirius blush. "Now, i want to kiss you again. How much your lips are so soft", Barty replied, in which Sirius replied"your lips are soft too". The couple kissed which what felt like a lifetime.

Sirius and Barty both loved eachother so much and everyone could tell. The way that Sirius looked at Barty, dreamily. And Barty smiled, genuinely, every time Sirius walked past. "I love and live for you, Sirius Orion Black", Barty said, making Sirius smile.

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