Red Dead Jared

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It was another late night. After spending days planning how I'd get back at this perverted bastard, I finally came up with a plan to make him pay for his crimes. I was able to print off a ton of evidence of his perverse nature and now was the time to dish out the physical torture. Right now, I was stood outside of his home in the back garden. The garden wasn't interesting and was more a large patch of empty dirt. Clearly nobody cared about using this space. 

I walk towards the back door and I use an old hairpin that I once had before I cut my hair short to pick the lock. I spend a few moments tinkering with the lock before finally unlocking it. I pull the door open and crouch, entering the house. Upon entering, I gently close the door and keep an ear out. As I listen, I hear the distinct sound of screams coming from the basement. A young girl's. My fists clench and I feel my heart pounding out of rage. 

Maintaining my composure, I sneak towards the basement and open it. Doing so, only made the screams louder along with the sound of flesh clapping together. My left hand reaches for the knife in my pocket as I sneak down the steps, slowly drawing it out. As soon as I enter, I see the source of the noise. 

It was Jared having his way with a young girl who was held in some kind of BDSM device. The woman sees me and her eyes hold a pleading sense, begging me to save her as she screams and is forced to bear the fat pig violating her. Jared doesn't seem to notice me which I'm grateful for. I stop crouching and come up from behind him. I cut the fat ass from the back of the neck. Before doing any of this, I had laced the knife with a paralysis poison. 

So when the knife made contact with Jared, he completely halted. I then shove him onto the floor, away from the girl. I then free her from it and she sobs, thanking me with streams of tears running down her face. I just nod for her to leave which she does almost immediately, but not before kicking the paralysed fucker. When I hear the basement door close, I smile under my hood and crouch down to Jared. 

Mutasim: Hello, Jared. Did you miss me, "dear"?

His eyes roll around in their sockets, panicked. While the poison paralysed his body, it didn't quite stop his eyes or his sense of pain. Which was sweet news to me. 

Mutasim: You love nothing more than to take sweet little girls and have their way with them, don't you? Well... I'm thinking we can do something different this time. Spice things up a little. What do you think? ~

His eyes shake in response from side to side. I grin under my hood and unveil my hood, revealing my face to him. His eyes immediately widen in horror and fear as he gazes at my sinister grin. 

Mutasim: I'll take silence as a yes. ~

I put my knife away and lift Jared's sweaty obese body up and lock him into the device. It kept him in a bent over position. It was a guillotine minus the blade coming down. Exploring the room, I pick up all sorts of objects to torture him with. In a way, it was a good thing Jared was into BDSM, it just gave me all sorts of ideas and methods of torture. 

After five minutes of searching the basement, I pick up a ball gag, a strap-on, a whip, an empty jar and a sawed-off shotgun. Grinning maniacally, I form a mental plan on what to do with him. With all the items in my possession, I approach the backside of Jared and crouch down. Using some other devices in the room, I open up his butthole and pick up the empty glass jar. 

Mutasim: You like shoving small things into other ladies, so let's see what "small things" we can jam into your body. ~

I slowly begin to insert the glass jar into his gaping asshole. He doesn't make any noise, but I can tell it hurts him badly. Slowly, but surely, I can see the glass beginning to crack as it's squeezed by the inner confines of his ass. Before I know it, the glass breaks and shards are lodged in his butt. Blood begins to leak out in drips, making me smile. Looking to the next device, I pick up the strap-on and prod the tip of it into his anal hole. But I don't wear it myself. Nobody with a sane mind would even think about doing something like that to this filthy excuse of a human. 

So I guide the tip right into his asshole and jam it as far as it can go, making sure that the glass shards push deeper into his body. Further worsening the pain, I pull the strap-on out and then shove it right back in and repeat the process a few times. After the 5th shove, I see his tiny prick twitching. Shaking my head, I open up the slit of his penis and shove the ball gag into it. If he releases, I have the shotgun ready. 

Realising that this was going to get boring really quickly, I decide to make a contraption that'll have the strap-on move by itself. It didn't take me long, only around five minutes. Once I turn the device on, it works exactly as I wanted. With the strap-on shoving the glass shards further up his system, I pick up the whip and begin to slash at his back, creating giant bloody cuts on him. It wasn't long before the paralysis wore off and he shrieks in agony, sobbing like a baby. 

Mutasim: Awww. I thought you liked playing rough. ~

Jared: I'm sorry! I'm so sorry for everything I've done! I-I'll never do it again! I-I swear! 

Grinning, I pick up the shotgun and jam the barrel into his mouth. 

Mutasim: If I hear another peep out of you, I'm blowing your empty head out. I'd say your brains, but we both know the only brain you have is the tiny one downstairs. ~

He weeps silently, begging for mercy. I just grin and shake my head, saying there's no mercy for him at this point. Picking up the whip again, I slash his rear while the strap-on continues to shove the glass shards further in. His tiny package continues twitching and throbbing uncontrollably. 

I don't know how much time has passed but tiny drips of his seed finally shoot out, breaking the ball gag's connection from him. A small pool of white forms under him and I slash him one last time on the butt which was harsher than the rest. I drop the whip and grab the shotgun. 

Mutasim: All you had to do was not cum. At least not without my permission. So... Let's paint this basement red. Give it some... "colour". ~

He lets out one last muffled cry before a gunshot rings out and a giant splatter echoes throughout the basement. 

Now... I can finally move onto the others. ~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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