Typical morning.

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**Max's pov:**

"FUCK, I forgot we had a math test
today!" Kyle whined melodramatically, as we were walking down the hallway towards what was gonna be the most mind-numbing class today.
"I don't know shit!"

Sure he doesn't. He always says that, and he always gets an A eitherway.
When I say that, I get an F and
another hit to the head. I put an unconspicuous face on, as if it wasn't pissing me off to replay that moment every week.

"Don't worry Kyle, you're gonna do

Kyle lightly scoffed as a response, he was smiling, thinking my assumption was absurd.
"I highly doubt it dude. There will be something like 10 questions, AND 7 problems, and I won't even have enough time to read them all. Much less figure out the answers!"

My patience was already running
thin. "How many times do we have
to reenact this?" I thought to myself. I forced my voice into a somewhat encouraging tone, and held back a sigh.

"Trust me man. Has it ever ended badly? You've said it countless times by now but you're a wizard with numbers. You're gonna rock it."

Kyle's ability to be a drama queen, yet never fail anything had always impressed me. He seemed to be a little flattered by what I had said, but still dubious.

"I mean... I do know a couple of things... but what if this time I don't manage? What if I let Mr.Truesow down?"

"I don't think you could ever let him down. He practically loves you." I chuckled, almost truthfully.
["Everyone does, anyway."]
"Besides, you're a mastermind dude. I think if you put your mind to it you could became a wicked scientist. Like, Megamind typa shit."

Kyle shook his head a little, but ended up laughing at the weird train of thought I had built. The stupider it was, the more I could have let his mind wander away from the actual issue. He replied, putting a jokingly mocking inflection to his words.

"Yeah right, maybe I'd evolve into superhuman and get out of this place. Kyle aces 'em all, right? Nothing could go too wrong."

"Yeah, precisely".
I said, with a partially forced smile. His "ironic claim" was actually true. Well, not for the superhuman part. But still. It's not like Kyle had ever done anything wrong. I discreetely pat him on the back, making an effort to look unaffected.

He seemed to rejoyce at my words, and chuckled happily.

"Thanks dude, really. You always know what to say to hype me. God, I love you."

He then looked up at me. He gave me a small smile, but for some reason, I felt like it was tainted by so much honesty, that it made me feel a pang of guilt in my heart for being so spiteful inside.

"You got such a heart of gold. How can you even put up with me?" I commented in my head, but stopped the derogatory internal monologue before I got too worked up. Instead, my voice replied:

"Heh, thanks man." But after that an unconvinced smile slipped.


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