The Good One

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**Max's pov**

He glanced at me and by the look in his eyes, it was evident he had noticed that something was off, despite me being a competent actor, usually.

"Hey, is everything alright? You seem a little out of it today.'' He asked, with a very sweet and loving gaze in his hazel eyes.

Ouch. Should've seen it coming.

That managed to only suscitate more hate in me. How did he manage to act so... considerate, and caring, all the time? I don't remember asking anything like that to him in the past. Well, maybe only when his grandma died.

"Oh no, it's nothing." I brushed it off, maybe a little too quickly. I felt a pretty acid feeling rising inside me, but tried to dismiss it.

He stared at me with a concerned
look, and nudged me slightly with his elbow.

"No, you're totally pissed. What's up?"

"It's nothing important, really." I replied, indiscerningly sterner, as I felt my forehead getting slightly hot.

He sighed and sagged his shoulders a little, while still trying to keep a warm and lighthearted attitude.

"Come on, you know you
can talk to me. I know you're mad
about something. You can tell
your best friend anything!"

He placed his pale hand on my arm in a gesture of sympathy.
I breathed out heavily, and my pupils avoided his face.

"Let it go Kyle it's ... bullshit at
I kind of lied, but I was used to doing so.

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